IMGT® Immunoinformatics Tools for Standardized V-DOMAIN Analysis.
IMGT® - the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®Giudicelli V, Duroux P, Rollin M, Aouinti S, Folch G, Jabado-Michaloud J, Lefranc MP, Kossida S
Giudicelli V, Duroux P, Rollin M, Aouinti S, Folch G, Jabado-Michaloud J, Lefranc MP, Kossida S
Agathangelidis A, Chatzidimitriou A, Chatzikonstantinou T, Tresoldi C, Davis Z, Giudicelli V, Kossida S, Belessi C, Rosenquist R, Ghia P, Langerak AW, Davi F, Stamatopoulos K, ERIC: the European Research Initiative on CLL
Chamma H, Guha S, Laguette N, Vila IK
Sophie Mockly, Élisabeth Houbron, Hervé Seitz
Hanane Chamma, Isabelle K Vila, Clara Taffoni, Andrei Turtoi, Nadine Laguette
Manson G, Herbaux C, Schiano JM, Casasnovas O, Stamatoullas A, Deau B, Schmitt A, Regny C, Bouabdallah K, Chauchet A, Ghesquieres H, Tempescul A, Dulery R, Nicolas-Virelizier E, Delmer A, Borel C, Dercle L, Brice P, Houot R, Lymphoma Study Association (LYSA)
Ana Boulanger et Jean-Maurice Dura
Nguefack Ngoune V, Bertignac M, Georga M, Papadaki A, Albani A, Folch G, Jabado-Michaloud J, Giudicelli V, Duroux P, Lefranc MP, Kossida S
Bourbon HG, Benetah MH, Guillou E, Mojica-Vazquez LH, Baanannou A, Bernat-Fabre S, Loubiere V, Bantignies F, Cavalli G, Boube M
B. Boizet-Bonhoure, S. Dejardin, M. Rossitto, F. Poulat and P. Philibert
Alaterre E, Ovejero S, Herviou L, de Boussac H, Papadopoulos G, Kulis M, Boireau S, Robert N, Requirand G, Bruyer A, Cartron G, Vincent L, Martinez AM, Martin-Subero JI, Cavalli G, Moreaux J
Paolillo R, Boulanger M, Gâtel P, Gabellier L, De Toledo M, Tempé D, Hallal R, Akl D, Moreaux J, Baik H, Gueret E, Recher C, Sarry JE, Cartron G, Piechaczyk M, Bossis G
Barral A, Pozo G, Ducrot L, Papadopoulos GL, Sauzet S, Oldfield AJ, Cavalli G, Déjardin J.
Tian M, Mochizuki K, Loidl J
Alexandre Segelle, Yaiza Nunez-Alvarez, Andrew J Oldfield, Kimberly M Webb, Philipp Voigt, Reini F Luco
Segelle A, Núñez-Álvarez Y, Oldfield AJ, Webb KM, Voigt P, Luco RF.
Chang JM, Weng YF, Chang WT, Lin FA, Cavalli G
Haas M, Caron G, Chatonnet F, Manenti S, Alaterre E, Devin J, Delaloy C, Bertolin G, Viel R, Pignarre A, Llamas-Gutierrez F, Marchalot A, Decaux O, Tarte K, Delpy L, Moreaux J, Fest T
Devin J, Caneque T, Lin YL, Mondoulet L, Veyrune JL, Abouladze M, Garcia De Paco E, Karmous Gadacha O, Cartron G, Pasero P, Bret C, Rodriguez R, Moreaux J