BioCampus Montpellier is the service unit of the RABELAIS BioHealth Cluster (Pôle Biologie-Santé). This unit is jointly funded and managed by CNRS (UMS 3426), INSERM (US 09), and Montpellier University. BioCampus Montpellier is the successor of the first common structure created in 1998 by the Life Science research units of the Montpellier area with the objective of structuring and pooling all available cutting-edge technological tools. Currently, BioCampus Montpellier manages the main technological platforms dedicated to Life Science research in the Mediterranean part of the French Occitanie region. Beside the BioHealth domain, BioCampus Montpellier is open to the entire scientific community, particularly to biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical research, agricultural sciences and ecology, and environmental sciences >> BioCampus website.