Technology transfer office

The service is in charge of the scientific mediation of the institute and represents the valorization component of the PCV team.

Its role is to make known and participate in the influence of the scientific approach of the Institute, and to transmit the results to various audiences, but also to ensure the interface between the teams and the institutional, economic and social world, in compliance with the procedures dictated by the supervisory authorities.

As such, it is the mandatory step for all communication actions towards a non-scientific public, and all interactions with the economic world, whether it is the setting up of CIFRE grants, the setting up of maturation projects with a view to filing patents and/or creating spin-offs, and industrial partnerships.

The service works in close collaboration with the communication service of the IGH, and is the privileged interlocutor between the researchers and the development services (SPV) of the Regional Delegation of the CNRS and the University of Montpellier.

Among its activities the service :

Establishes and develops contacts and professional networks in the scientific field concerned, at the national and international level,
Exploit information and disseminate it to collaborators,
Advises, sensitizes and informs the teams in the field of the valorization of research,
Identifies innovative projects with potential for commercialization,
Proposes and follows up on the appropriate commercialization methods,
Accompanies project leaders from research to the creation of a company
Evaluates communication actions and their relevance,
Represents the institute and manages relations with partners (institutions, industrialists, financiers and players in the innovation ecosystem).

Planning programme prématuration 2022 INSB

Le programme prématuration CNRS est reconduit pour l’année 2022.

Pour rappel ce programme a pour objectif le soutien et l’accompagnement de projets émergents se basant sur des innovations de rupture faisant déjà l’objet d’une protection intellectuelle ou non.

Sont éligibles les propositions émanant de chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs ou ingénieurs statutaires relevant d’une unité de recherche rattachée au CNRS, aussi bien pour des agents CNRS que pour ceux d’autres tutelles.

Date de dépôt INSB

Date d'audition (précisée ultérieurement)

14 janvier 2022

Mardi 12 avril


Vendredi 15 avril


Mardi 19 avril


11 mars 2022

Mardi 31 mai


Vendredi 3 juin


Mardi 7 juin


15 avril 2022

Mercredi 6 juillet


Lundi 11 juillet


Mardi 12 juillet


24 juin 2022

Vendredi 14 octobre


Mardi 18 octobre


Mercredi 19 octobre


9 septembre 2022

Vendredi 25 novembre


Mardi 29 novembre


Vendredi 2 décembre
