Green Committee
Structured in 2019, at the initiative of a small group of committed volunteers with the support of the IGH executive committee, it fulfills several roles inside and outside the institute

- Management of our non-hazardous waste
- Promotion of commuting by bicycle
- Daily energy saving
- Limitation of digital pollution
Communication role through information and raising staff awareness regarding the need to minimize the environmental impact of the IGH.
Advisory role to the executive committee and other commissions of the IGH.
Collaboration with partners involved in improving the ecological balance of the CNRS Regional Delegation (DR13): the prevention and safety department of the DR13 involved in waste management, the IGF sustainable development committee and the green committees of other institutes.

Establishment of SELECTIVE SORTING (non-recyclable household waste, paper, flexible plastic packaging, polystyrene, metal, food glass)
The established collection points
- Aluminum / Plastic cups / plastic bottles (by ELISE)
- Carton, paper, flexible plastic packaging (by VEOLIA)
- Cans, metal, aluminum foil / Plastic or cardboard cups / plastic bottles (by ELISE)
- Polystyrene and food glass (by Sud Recyclage – collected on call Aymeric Chartier)
- Boxes of tips: Starlab – yellow bin collected on call (Andrew Oldfield); Sarstedt and Rainin – sent by parcel, to be dropped off at the store
- Batteries and printer cartridges (Jacques Faure)
- Collection of devices containing electronics (other than IT, with Labo service)
- Collection of autoradiographic films (Suzie Houssier)
- Collection of writing instruments (Terracycle program) with a school in St Gély (Suzie Houssier)
- Collection of NEB icebags (sent by parcel)

- ON HOLD - Recharging rechargeable batteries at the store
- LATELY – unsoiled laboratory plastic reuse workshop (proposed by Starlab)

Cleaning of the Arnaud de Villeneuve campus

Reminder of possible compensation for traveling by bike
Awareness of carpooling
Sustainable mobility flat-rate reimbursement: send the request before December 31st (CNRS).
A reminder that in order to promote alternative forms of transport, the « sustainable mobility flat-rate reimbursement » was created.
In brief, within a calendar year if you are commuting to work at least 100 days by bike or as a driver or as a passenger in a carpool, you can request the flat-rate reimbursement of 200€ per year by CNRS.
It should be noted that this help cannot be combined with the reimbursement of transportation fees such as the partial reimbursement of transit passes.
To get more information about the « Sustainable mobility flat-rate reimbursement », click HERE.
To request this « Sustainable mobility flat-rate reimbursement » HERE.
As a reminder, if you are using public transit or a public bike rental service, you can request a partial reimbursement of your passes. For more information, click HERE.
Charging points for electric vehicles
Since October 26th, several charging points for electric vehicles are available on the campuses of Route de Mende and Arnaud de Villeneuve (AdV). To get more information about their locations and the conditions of use, please click HERE.
Project of renewing and increasing the number of places to park bikes on our campus
This project that we have presented in the beginning of the year is in progress. Several meetings were held throughout the year, including diverse quote requests, measurements of the potential future places to park bikes, building plan proposals…
There will be another meeting this week with the dedicated services of the CNRS Delegation.
For now, we prefer to wait a little longer in order to have all the information needed to present the final version which will be installed on our campus.
This project is very important to us, and this long-term process is highly challenging and we hope it will reach its conclusion shortly.

Small repair kit available at the bike shelters

Project for the development of outdoor spaces and rehabilitation of ashtrays cans, renovation project for garbage cans near picnic tables: in common with the Workplace wellness committee of the IGH and Com2D of the IGF

Potential partnership with a company from Montpellier that collects, grinds and reshapes PET plastics

New proposal : Alternative energies, (eg covered parking with photovoltaic panels).
Inauguration of bicycle parking shelter
On June 24, 2022, the inauguration of the bicycle parking on the IGF/IGH site of the Arnaud de Villeneuve campus took place in the presence of the IGH and IGF directors.
This parking lot can accommodate 56 bikes and is fully occupied every day. The more frequent use of cargo bikes requires the creation of a dedicated space and the creation of a cargo bike shelter is being considered.
For the time being, we plan to purchase a foot pump to be made available to cyclists at the shelter.
Bicycle workshop
The workshop is open on Mondays between 12:00 and 14:00 at the CNRS campus on the road to Mende, and is run by a member of the Le Vieux Biclou workshop. The access to the workshop is reserved to the members of the research units of the Occitanie Delegation (DR13).
A project of permanence, once a month, is envisaged on the site of the IGF / IGH. This permanence will make it possible to evaluate the repairs to be carried out by the users on their bicycles. Initially, these repairs will be done in the bicycle workshop of the CNRS campus on the road to Mende. Depending on the number of users and their needs, we could consider an evolution to a bike workshop on the AdV site.
« Reduce-Reuse-Recycle » Workshop Nov 2021

Our 2020 REPORT
Thank you for your involvement !!!

IGF IGH - Genopolys

Nearly 20% of the staff mobilized