
Mutation of linotte causes behavioral defects independently of pigeon in Drosophila.

Neurogenetics and memory

Moreau-Fauvarque C., Taillebourg E., Préat T. and Dura J.-M.

A Cajal body-specific pseudouridylation guide RNA is composed of two box H/ACA snoRNA-like domains.. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002, 30(21):4643-9.

Cell Biology of RNA

Kiss AM, Jady BE, Darzacq X, Verheggen C, Bertrand E, Kiss T.

An active precursor in assembly of yeast nuclear ribonuclease P. RNA. 2002; 8(10):1348-60.

Cell Biology of RNA

Srisawat C, Houser-Scott F, Bertrand E, Xiao S, Singer RH, Engelke DR.

Cajal body-specific small nuclear RNAs: a novel class of 2’-o-methylation and pseudouridylation guide RNAs. EMBO J., 2002, 21:2746-56.

Cell Biology of RNA

Xavier Darzacq, Beáta E. Jády, Céline Verheggen, Arnold M. Kiss, Edouard Bertrand and Tamás Kiss

Mammalian and yeast U3 snoRNPs are matured in specific and related nuclear compartments. EMBO J., 2002, 21: 2736-45.

Cell Biology of RNA

Verheggen, C., Lafontaine, D., Samarsky, S., Mouaikel, J., Blanchard, JM., Bordonné, R., and Bertrand E.

Hypermethylation of the cap structure of both snRNAs and snoRNAs in yeast requires a conserved methyltransferase that locates in the nucleolus. Mol. Cell, 2002, 9:891-901.

Cell Biology of RNA

John Mouaikel, Céline Verheggen, Edouard Bertrand, Jamal Tazi and Rémy Bordonné.

SOX9 interacts with a component of the human thyroid hormone receptor associated protein complex

Development and Pathology of the gonad

Zhou, R., Bonneaud, N., Yuan, C., de Santa Barbara, P., Boizet, B., Schomber, T., Scherer, G., Roeder, G., Poulat, F., Berta, P.

Expression of ISWI and its binding to chromatin during the cell cycle and early development

Replication and Genome Dynamics

Demeret, C., Bocquet, S., Lemaître, J-M., Françon, P., and Méchali, M.

Universal occurrence of the vasa-related genes among metazoans and their germline expression in Hydra.

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation

Mochizuki K, Nishimiya-Fujisawa C, Fujisawa T

Expression and evolutionary conservation of nanos-related genes in Hydra.

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation

Mochizuki K, Sano H, Kobayashi S, Nishimiya-Fujisawa C, Fujisawa T

A worldwide analysis of AG molecular diversity inferred from serology

IMGT® - the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®

Sanchez-Mazas, A., Bütler-Brunner, E., Bütler, R., Calderon, R., Chaventre, A., Dugoujon, J.-M.,Hammond, M., Lefranc, G., Matsumoto, H., Osipova, L., Politis, C., Pullman, R. and Langaney, A.

Familial Mediterranean Fever in Lebanon: mutation spectrum, evidence for cases in Maronites, Greek Orthodoxes, Greek Catholics, Syriacs and Chiites and for an association between Amyloidosis and M694V and M694I mutations

IMGT® - the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®

Mansour, I., Delague, V., Cazeneuve, C., Dode, C., Chouery, E., Pecheux, C., Medlej-Hachim, M., Salem, N., Al Zein, L., Levan-Petit, I., Lefranc, G., Goossens, M., Delpech, M., Amselem, S., Megarbane, A., Grateau, G., Loiselet, J. and Naman, R.

A study of GM allotypes and gamma immunoglobulins heavy chain genes in Berbers, Arabs and sub-Saharan Africans from the Jerba Island (Tunisia)

IMGT® - the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®

Yacoubi Loveslati, B., Sanchez-Mazas, A., Ennafaa, H., Marrakchi, R., Dugoujon, J.-M., Lefranc, M.-P., Ben Ammar Elgaaied, A.

Protein kinase B beta/Akt2 plays a specific role in muscle differentiation

Mammalian Cell Biology

Marie Vandromme, Anne Rochat, Roger Meier, Gilles Carnac, Daniel Besser, Brian A. Hemmings, Anne Fernandez, and Ned J. C. Lamb

Interaction between cyclin T1 and SCFSKP2 targets CDK9 for ubiquitination and degradation by the proteasome.

Laboratory of Molecular Virology

+ Gene regulation

Kiernan, R., Emiliani, S., Nakayama, K., Castro, A., Labbé, J.C., Lorca, T., Nakayama, K.-I., and Benkirane, M.

Chromatin remodelling and DNA replication : from nucleosomes to loop domains

Replication and Genome Dynamics

Demeret, C., Vassetzky, Y. and Mchali, M.