Gene regulation

Genome dynamics

All organisms must regulate the expression of their genes to achieve the silencing of certain genes, and the activation of others during development and homeostasis. Disregulation of gene expression frequently has dire consequences, and can lead to pathologies such as cancer. The regulation of gene expression occurs at different levels, all of which depend on a multitude of factors. Chromatin is a primary regulator of gene expression. Physical compaction of the genome into chromatin controls accessability to the transcription machinery. Studies performed over recent years have revealed the enormous complexity involved in modifying chromatin to regulate gene expression.

Charbel AKKAWI

Rosemary KIERNAN


Publications of the team

PAPγ associates with PAXT nuclear exosome to control the abundance of PROMPT ncRNAs

Xavier Contreras, David Depierre, Charbel Akkawi, Marina Srbic, Marion Helsmoortel, Maguelone Nogaret, Matthieu LeHars, Kader Salifou, Alexandre Heurteau, Olivier Cuvier, Rosemary Kiernan


Chromatin-associated YTHDC1 coordinates heat-induced reprogramming of gene expression

Kalina Timcheva, Solenne Dufour, Leila Touat-Todeschini, Callum Burnard, Marie-Christine Carpentier, Florent Chuffart, Rémy Merret, Marion Helsmoortel, Sabrina Ferré, Aude Grézy, Yohann Couté, Sophie Rousseau, Saadi Khochbin, Claire Vourc’h, Cécile Bousquet-Antonelli, Rosemary Kiernan, Daphné Seigneurin-Berny and André Verdel

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The Polyvalent Role of NF90 in RNA Biology

Giuseppa Grasso and Rosemary Kiernan


NF90 interacts with components of RISC and modulates association of Ago2 with mRNA.

Grasso G*, Akkawi C*, Franckhauser C, Nait-Saidi R, Bello M, Barbier J, Kiernan R

NF90 Interacts with Components of RISC and Modulates Association of Ago2 with mRNA

Giuseppa Grasso, Charbel Akkawi, Celine Franckhauser, Rima Nait-Saidi, Maxime Bello, Jérôme Barbier, Rosemary Kiernan


Chromatin-associated MRN complex protects highly transcribing genes from genomic instability

Kader Salifou, Callum Burnard, Poornima Basavarajaiah, Marion Helsmoortel, Victor Mac, David Depierre, Giuseppa Grasso, Céline Franckhauser, Emmanuelle Beyne, Xavier Contreras, Jérôme Dejardin, Sylvie Rouquier, Olivier Cuvier, Rosemary Kiernan


PAF1 facilitates RNA polymerase II ubiquitination by the Elongin A complex through phosphorylation by CDK12

Gabriel Sanchez, Jérôme Barbier, Céline Elie, Rosemary Kiernan, Sylvie Rouquier


NF90 modulates processing of a subset of human pri-miRNAs

Grasso G, Higuchi T, Mac V, Barbier J, Helsmoortel M, Lorenzo C, Sanchez G, Bello M, Ritchie W, Sakamoto S, Kiernan R.


[Nuclear RNA surveillance complexes control HIV-1 transcription].

Salifou K, Kiernan R, Contreras X

An NF90/NF110-mediated feedback amplification loop regulates dicer expression and controls ovarian carcinoma progression.

Barbier J, Chen X, Sanchez G, Cai M, Helsmoortel M, Higuchi T, Giraud P, Contreras X, Yuan G, Feng Z, Nait-Saidi R, Deas O, Bluy L, Judde JG, Rouquier S, Ritchie W, Sakamoto S, Xie D, Kiernan R

+ Machine learning and gene regulation

Nuclear RNA surveillance complexes silence HIV-1 transcription.

Contreras X, Salifou K, Sanchez G, Helsmoortel M, Beyne E, Bluy L, Pelletier S, Rousset E, Rouquier S, Kiernan R

Identification of histone 3 variant 2 interacting factors

Latreille D, Bluy L, Benkirane M, Kiernan RE.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Premature termination of transcription by RNAP II: The beginning of the end.

Contreras X, Benkirane M, Kiernan R.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Spt6 levels are modulated by PAAF1 and proteasome to regulate the HIV-1 LTR

Nakamura M, Basavarajaiah P, Rousset E, Beraud C, Latreille D, Henaoui IS, Lassot I, Mari B, Kiernan R.

Microprocessor, Setx, Xrn2 and Rrp6 Co-Operate to Induce Premature Termination of Transcription by RNAPII

Wagschal, A., Rousset, E., Basavarajaiah, P., Contreras, X. , Harwig, A., Laurent-Chabalier, S. , Nakamura, M., Chen, X., Zhang, K., Meziane, O., Boyer, F., Parrinello, H., Berkhout, B., Terzian, C., Benkirane, M., Kiernan, R.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

HIV-1 Tat assembles a multifunctional transcription elongation complex and stably associates with the 7SK snRNP

Sobhian, B., Laguette, N., Yatim, A., Nakamura, M., Levy, Y., Kiernan, R., Benkirane, M.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

The HIV-1 Tat protein stimulates reverse transcription in vitro.

Apolloni, A., Meredith, LW., Suhrbier, A., Kiernan, R., Harrich, D

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

The Proteasome Regulates HIV-1 Transcription by Both Proteolytic and Non-Proteolytic Mechanisms

Lassot, L., Latreille, D., Rousset, E., Sourisseau, M., Linares, L.K., Chable-Bessia, C., Coux, O., Benkirane, M., Kiernan, R.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Intrinsic ubiquitylation activity of PCAF controls the stability of the oncoprotein Hdm2

Linares, Laetitia, Rosemary Kiernan, Robinson Triboulet, Christine Chable-Bessia, Daniel Latreille, Olivier Cuvier, Matthieu Lacroix, Laurent Le Cam, Olivier Coux, and Monsef Benkirane.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Suv39H1 and HP1gamma are responsible for chromatin-mediated HIV-1 transcriptional silencing and post integration latency.

du Chéné, I., Basyuk, E., Lin,YL., Triboulet, R., Knezevich, A., Chable-Bessia, C., Mettling, C., Baillat, V., Reynes, J., Corbeau, P., Bertrand, E., Marcello, A., Emiliani, S., Kiernan, R., Benkirane, M.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Requirement for SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex in Tat-mediated activation of the HIV-1 promoter.

Treand C, du Chene I, Bres V, Kiernan R, Benarous R, Benkirane M, Emiliani S.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

A non proteolytic role for ubiquitin in Tat-mediated transactivation of the HIV-1 promoter

Vanessa Brès, Rosemary E. Kiernan, Laetitia K. Linares, Christine Chable-Bessia, Olga Plechakova, Céline Tréand, Stephane Emiliani, Jean-Marie Peloponese, Kuan-Teh Jeang, Olivier Coux, Martin Scheffner, and Monsef Benkirane

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Differential acetylation of Tat coordinates its interaction with the co-activators cyclin T1 and PCAF.

Brès V. Tagami H. Péloponèse J.M. Loret E. Jeang K-T. Nakatani Y. Emiliani S. Benkirane M. and Kiernan ER.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Tat acetyl-acceptor lysines are important for Human Immunodeficiency Virus type-1 replication

Brès, V., Rosemary Kiernan, Stéphane Emiliani and Monsef Benkirane

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Interaction between cyclin T1 and SCFSKP2 targets CDK9 for ubiquitination and degradation by the proteasome.

Kiernan, R., Emiliani, S., Nakayama, K., Castro, A., Labbé, J.C., Lorca, T., Nakayama, K.-I., and Benkirane, M.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

HIV-1 Tat transcriptional activity is regulated by acetylation.

Kiernan, R., Vanhulle, C., Schiltz, L., Adam, E., Xiao, H., Maudoux, F., Calomme, C., Burny, A., Nakatani, Y., Jeang, K.-T., Benkirane, M. and Van Lint, C.

+ Laboratory of Molecular Virology

Thèses et hdr

Role of NF90 in the miRNA pathway 08/11/2021

Defended by Giuseppa Grasso on 08/11/2021 under the supervision of Rosemary Kiernan

SRBIC Marina
SRBIC Marina