
IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®, -

IMGT® - the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®

Lefranc, M.-P.

Human let-7 stem-loop precursors harbor features of RNase III cleavage products. Nucleic Acids Res. 2003, 31(22):6593-7.

Cell Biology of RNA

Basyuk, E., Suavet, F., Doglio, A., Bordonné, R, Bertrand E.

IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system, the reference in immunoinformatics.

IMGT® - the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®

Lefranc, M.-P., Giudicelli, V., Ginestoux, C. and Chaume, D.

Retroviral genomic RNAs are transported to the plasma membrane by endosomal vesicles. Dev. Cell, 2003, 5:161-174.

Cell Biology of RNA

Basyuk, E., Galli, T., Mougel, M., Blanchard, JM., Sitbon, M., and Bertrand E.

A common sequence motif determines the Cajal body-specific localisation of box H/ACA scaRNAs EMBO J. 2003, 22:4283-93.

Cell Biology of RNA

Richard, P., Xavier Darzacq, X., Bertrand, E., Jády, B., Verheggen, C., and Kiss, T.

Interaction between the small-nuclear-RNA cap hypermethylase and the spinal muscular atrophy protein, survival of motor neuron. EMBO Rep., 2003, 4(6):616-22.

Cell Biology of RNA

Mouaikel J, Narayanan U, Verheggen C, Matera AG, Bertrand E, Tazi J, Bordonne R.

Modification of Sm small nuclear RNAs occurs in the nucleoplasmic Cajal body following import from the cytoplasm. EMBO J., 2003, 22(8):1878-88.

Cell Biology of RNA

Jady BE, Darzacq X, Tucker KE, Matera AG, Bertrand E, Kiss T.

The RasGAP-associated endoribonuclease G3BP assembles stress granules. J Cell Biol. 2003, 160(6):823-31.

Cell Biology of RNA

Tourriere H, Chebli K, Zekri L, Courselaud B, Blanchard JM, Bertrand E, Tazi J.

Exportin-5 mediates nuclear export of minihelix-containing RNAs. J. Biol Chem. 2003, 278(8):5505-8.

Cell Biology of RNA

Gwizdek C, Ossareh-Nazari B, Brownawell AM, Doglio A, Bertrand E, Macara IG, Dargemont C.

Single mRNA molecules demonstrate probabilistic movement in living mammalian cells Current Biology, 2003, 13(2):161-7.

Cell Biology of RNA

D. Fusco, N. Accornéro, S. Shenoy, JM Blanchard, RH Singer and E. Bertrand.

Low CD4+ T-cell surface CCR5 density as a cause of resistance to in vivo HIV-1 infection

Homing, immune activation and infection

Reynes, J., Baillat, V., Portalès, P., Clot, J., Corbeau, P.

Control of poly(A) polymerase level is essential to cytoplasmic polyadenylation and early development in Drosophila

mRNA Regulation and Development

Juge, F., Zaessinger, S., Temme, C., Wahle, E. and Simonelig, M.

Analysis of a piwi-related gene implicates small RNAs in genome rearrangement in tetrahymena.

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation

Mochizuki K, Fine NA, Fujisawa T, Gorovsky MA

Chimeric human CstF-77/Drosophila Suppressor of forked proteins rescue suppressor of forked mutant lethality and mRNA 3' end processing in Drosophila

mRNA Regulation and Development

Benoit, B., Juge, F., Iral, F., Audibert, A. and Simonelig, M.

Mutation of linotte causes behavioral defects independently of pigeon in Drosophila.

Neurogenetics and memory

Moreau-Fauvarque C., Taillebourg E., Préat T. and Dura J.-M.

Competence to replicate in the unfertilized egg is conferred by Cdc6 during meiotic maturation

Replication and Genome Dynamics

Lemaître, J-M., Bocquet, S., and Méchali, M.

Formation of extrachromosomal circles from telomeric DNA in Xenopus laevis

Replication and Genome Dynamics

Cohen, S., and Méchali, M.

Expression of ISWI and its binding to chromatin during the cell cycle and early development

Replication and Genome Dynamics

Demeret, C., Bocquet, S., Lemaître, J-M., Françon, P., and Méchali, M.