
Erratum to: Genomic and expression analyses of Tursiops truncatus T cell receptor gamma (TRG) and alpha/delta (TRA/TRD) loci reveal a similar basic public γδ repertoire in dolphin and human.

IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique

Linguiti G, Antonacci R, Tasco G, Grande F, Casadio R, Massari S, Castelli V, Consiglio A, Lefranc MP, Ciccarese S.

SmiFISH and FISH-quant -  a flexible single mRNA detection approach with super-resolution capability.

Biologie cellulaire de l'ARN

Tsanov, N., Samacoits, A., Chouaib, R., Traboulsi, A.M., Gostan, T., Weber, C., Zimmer, C., Zibara, K., Walter, T., Peter, M.*, Bertrand, E.*, Mueller, F* *. co-corresponding authors.

Imaging HIV-1 RNA dimerization in cells by multicolor super-resolution and fluctuation microscopies.

Biologie cellulaire de l'ARN

Ferrer M, Clerté C, Chamontin C, Basyuk E, Lainé S, Hottin J, Bertrand E, Margeat E, Mougel M.

A real-time, single molecule view of transcription reveals convoys of RNA polymerases and multiscale bursting.

Biologie cellulaire de l'ARN

Tantale, K., Müller, F., Kozulic-Pirher, A., Lesne, A., Victor, JL., Robert, MC., Capozi, S., Bäcker, V., Mateos-Langerak, J., Darzacq, X., Zimmer, C., Basyuk, E., Bertrand, E.

The in vivo dynamics of TCERG1, a factor that couples transcriptional elongation with splicing.

Biologie cellulaire de l'ARN

Sánchez-Hernández N., Boireau S., Schmidt U., Muñoz-Cobo JP, Hernández-Munain C, Bertrand E., Suñé C.

Inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome induces a metaphase arrest and cell death in multiple myeloma cells

Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

Lub S, Maes A, Maes K, De Veirman K, De Bruyne E, Menu E, Fostier K, Kassambara A, Moreaux J, Hose D, Leleu X, King RW, Vanderkerken K, Van Valckenborgh E.

Mec1, INO80, and the PAF1 complex cooperate to limit transcription replication conflicts through RNAPII removal during replication stress

Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

Poli J, Gerhold CB, Tosi A, Hustedt N, Seeber A, Sack R, Herzog F, Pasero P, Shimada K, Hopfner KP, Gasser SM.

Dasatinib Inhibits HIV-1 Replication through the Interference of SAMHD1 Phosphorylation in CD4+ T Cells

Virologie Moléculaire

Bermejo M, López-Huertas MR, García-Pérez J, Climent N, Descours B, Ambrosioni J, Mateos E, Rodríguez-Mora S, Rus-Bercial L, Benkirane M, Miró JM, Plana M, Alcamí J, Coiras M.

The TopoVIB-Like protein family is required for meiotic DNA double-strand break formation

Méiose et recombinaison

Robert T, Nore A, Brun C, Maffre C, Crimi B, Bourbon HM, de Massy B

IL-7 Induces SAMHD1 Phosphorylation in CD4+ T Lymphocytes, Improving Early Steps of HIV-1 Life Cycle

Virologie Moléculaire

Coiras M, Bermejo M, Descours B, Mateos E, García-Pérez J, López-Huertas MR, Lederman MM, Benkirane M, Alcamí J.

Chapter 6 -Open Access - Genomic instability of pluripotent stem cells: origins and consequences

Surveillance et Stabilité du Génome

Lo Furno, E., van der Laan, S., and Maiorano, D.

RPA Mediates Recruitment of MRX to Forks and Double-Strand Breaks to Hold Sister Chromatids Together

Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

Seeber A, Hegnauer AM, Hustedt N, Deshpande I, Poli J, Eglinger J, Pasero P, Gut H, Shinohara M, Hopfner KP, Shimada K, Gasser SM.

Argonaute proteins regulate HIV-1 multiply spliced RNA and viral production in a Dicer independent manner

Impact systémique des petits ARN régulateurs

Eckenfelder A, Ségéral E, Pinzón N, Ulveling D, Amadori C, Charpentier M, Nidelet S, Concordet JP, Zagury JF, Paillart JC, Berlioz-Torrent C, Seitz H, Emiliani S, Gallois-Montbrun S.