
A role for the serine/arginine-rich (SR) protein B52/SRSF6 in cell growth and myc expression in Drosophila.

Tubulin code

Fernando C, Audibert A, Simon F, Tazi J, Juge F

A Tetrahymena Hsp90 co-chaperone promotes siRNA loading by ATP-dependent and ATP-independent mechanisms.

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation

Woehrer SL, Aronica L, Suhren JH, Busch CJ, Noto T, Mochizuki K

The Role of Recent Admixture in Forming the Contemporary West Eurasian Genomic Landscape

IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique

Busby GBJ, Hellenthal G, Montinaro F, Tofanelli S, Bulayeva K, Rudan I, Zemunik T, Hayward C, Toncheva D, Karachanak-Yankova S, Nesheva D, Anagnostou P, Cali F, Brisighelli F, Romano V, Lefranc G, Buresi C, Ben Chibani J, Haj-Khelil A, Denden S, Ploski R, Krajewski P, Hervig T, Moen T, Herrera RJ, Wilson JF, Myers S, Capelli C.

Meiosis: early DNA double-strand breaks pave the way for inter-homolog repair

Méiose et recombinaison

Borde V, de Massy B

Expression and role of RIP140/NRIP1 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

Lapierre M, Castet-Nicolas A, Gitenay D, Jalaguier S, Teyssier C, Bret C, Cartron G, Moreaux J, Cavaillès V. J Hematol Oncol. 2015 Mar 4;8(1):20.

A lncRNA regulates alternative splicing via establishment of a splicing-specific chromatin signature

Gonzalez I, Munita R, Agirre E, Dittmer TA, Gysling K, Misteli T, Luco RF.

MicroRNA-Dependent Transcriptional Silencing of Transposable Elements in Drosophila Follicle Cells

ARN non codants, épigénétique et stabilité génomique

Mugat B, Akkouche A, Serrano V, Armenise C, Li B, Brun C, Fulga TA, Van Vactor D, Pélisson A, Chambeyron S

Histone H3 Serine 28 Is Essential for Efficient Polycomb-Mediated Gene Repression in Drosophila

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Yung PY, Stuetzer A, Fischle W, Martinez AM, Cavalli G

DNA replication origin activation in space and time

Réplication et Dynamique du Génome

Fragkos M, Ganier O, Coulombe P, Méchali M

miRNAs in multiple myeloma - a survival relevant complex regulator of gene expression

Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

Seckinger A, Meißner T, Moreaux J, Benes V, Hillengass J, Castoldi M, Zimmermann J, Ho AD, Jauch A, Goldschmidt H, Klein B, Hose D.

The chromatin environment shapes DNA replication origin organization and defines origin classes

Réplication et Dynamique du Génome

Cayrou C, Ballester B, Peiffer I, Fenouil R, Coulombe P, Andrau JC, van Helden J, Méchali M.

HIV-1 Tat inhibits phagocytosis by preventing the recruitment of Cdc42 to the phagocytic cup

Domiciliation, activation immunitaire et infection

Debaisieux S, Lachambre S, Gross A, Mettling C, Besteiro S, Yezid H, Henaff D, Chopard C, Mesnard JM, Beaumelle B.

Phosphorylation of murine SAMHD1 regulates its antiretroviral activity

Virologie Moléculaire

Wittmann S, Behrendt R, Eissmann K, Volkmann B, Thomas D, Ebert T, Cribier A, Benkirane M, Hornung V, Bouzas NF, Gramberg T.

Proteomic data on the nuclear interactome of human MCM9

Réplication et Dynamique du Génome

Hutchins JR, Traver S, Coulombe P, Peiffer I, Kitzmann M, Latreille D, Méchali M.