Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

Bases moléculaires de pathologies humaines

Le corps humain est constitué de 3.7x1013 cellules, contenant chacune environ deux mètres d’ADN. Sachant que nos cellules font un total de 1016 cycles de division cellulaire au cours de notre existence, elles synthétisent donc plus de 2x1016 m d’ADN, ce qui représente 130 000 fois la distance de la terre au soleil! Cette tâche considérable est assurée par des micro-machines appelées réplisomes, contenant plusieurs centaines de protéines. Les réplisomes sont assemblés au niveau des origines de réplication et génèrent des structures d’ADN appelées fourches de réplication. Au cours de leur déplacement le long des chromosomes, les réplisomes rencontrent souvent des obstacles tels que des lésions de l’ADN ou des complexes de transcription, entrainant un arrêt des fourches de réplication. Les fourches bloquées sont des structures fragiles, pouvant induire la formation de cassures de l’ADN et une instabilité génétique si elles ne sont pas rapidement redémarrées. Le blocage des fourches est encore plus fréquents dans les cellules tumorales suite à la dérégulation de voies oncogéniques, ce qui provoque un stress réplicatif. Ce stress réplicatif induit par les oncogènes joue un rôle central dans la tumorigenèse en induisant de l’instabilité génétique. Cependant, il représente aussi le talon d’Achille de la tumeur car il ralentit la prolifération des cellules et les rend plus sensibles à la chimiothérapie. Comprendre comment les cellules normales et tumorales répondent au stress réplicatif représente donc un enjeu majeur en cancérologie.

Notre équipe étudie les mécanismes de réponse au stress réplicatif chez la levure et dans des lignées de cellules humaines. Compte tenu de la petite taille de son génome et de la puissance des outils de génétique moléculaire, la levure S. cerevisiae est un modèle de choix pour caractériser de nouveaux mécanismes de réponse au stress et étudier ensuite leur rôle dans les cellules tumorales. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons des technologies de pointe permettant de suivre la progression, l’arrêt et le redémarrage des fourches. Il s’agit notamment d’approches ‘molécule unique’ comme le peignage moléculaire, de techniques permettant d’étudier la structure des chromosomes par électrophorèse en champs pulsés et d’approches pan-génomiques (séquençage à haut débit), comme le ChIP-seq, le BrdU-IP-seq, le DRIP-seq et le BLESS. L’utilisation combinée de ces différentes approches permet d’avoir une vision globale de la réponse au stress réplicatif chez la levure et l’Homme, de la molécule d’ADN unique au génome entier.

Afin d’explorer l’impact potentiel de ces nouvelles connaissances pour le traitement du cancer, nous nous sommes récemment associés à l’équipe de Jérôme Moreaux (Service d’Hématologie du CHU de Montpellier), qui est un expert reconnu dans le domaine des hémopathies malignes et notamment du Myélome Multiple.


Bayan Chami

Laura Chaptal

Lavinia Grasso
Lavinia GRASSO


Yea-Lih LIN

Benjamin PARDO

Philippe PASERO

Jérôme POLI

Mathilde Courtes
Mathilde COURTES

Jonathan HEUZE

Silpa Mary Johnson
Silpa Mary JOHNSON

Giovanni Nigro
Giovanni NIGRO

Antoine BARTHE


Salomé Grassin

Solen Faidherbe

Octavie Touffut


Publications de l'équipe

Targeting Transcription-Replication Conflicts using G-quadruplexes stabilizers in Multiple Myeloma.

Laure DUTRIEUX, Sara OVEJERO, Antoine GUILLEMIN, Miss Leriem ZELLAGUI, Elke De BRUYNE, Catharina MUYLAERT, Lien VAN HEMELRIJCK, Yea-Lih LIN, Elle LOUGHRAN, Armelle CHOQUET, Talha MAGAT, Soumya BOUCHOUIKA, Caroline BRET, Guilhem REQUIRAND, Nicolas ROBERT, Laure VINCENT, Guillaume CARTRON, Charles HERBAUX, Raphaël RODRIGUEZ, Michel COGNE, Eric RIVALS, Jean-Christophe ANDRAU, Alexandre DAVID, Philippe PASERO, and Jérôme MOREAUX

+ Modifications épigénétiques et instabilité génomique dans les cellules B normales et tumorales

Synergistic effect of inhibiting CHK2 and DNA replication on cancer cell growth

Flavie Coquel, Sing-Zong Ho, Keng-Chang Tsai, Chun-Yen Yang, Antoine Aze, Julie Devin, Ting-Hsiang Chang, Marie Kong-Hap, Audrey Bioteau, Jerome Moreaux, Domenico Maiorano, Philippe Pourquier, Wen-Chin Yang, Yea-Lih Lin, Philippe Pasero

en savoir plus

MRE11 and TREX1 control senescence by coordinating replication stress and interferon signaling

Hervé Técher, Diyavarshini Gopaul, Jonathan Heuzé , Nail Bouzalmad, Baptiste Leray, Audrey Vernet, Clément Mettling, Jérôme Moreaux, Philippe Pasero, Yea-Lih Lin

RNase H2 degrades toxic RNA:DNA hybrids behind stalled forks to promote replication restart

The BLM helicase is a new therapeutic target in multiple myeloma involved in replication stress survival and drug resistance.

Ovejero S, Viziteu E, Dutrieux L, Devin J, Lin YL, Alaterre E, Jourdan M, Basbous J, Requirand G, Robert N, de Boussac H, Seckinger A, Hose D, Vincent L, Herbaux C, Constantinou A, Pasero P, Moreaux J

+ Modifications épigénétiques et instabilité génomique dans les cellules B normales et tumorales

+ Instabilité Génétique et Cancer

en savoir plus

A regulatory phosphorylation site on Mec1 controls chromatin occupancy of RNA polymerases during replication stress.

Hurst V, Challa K, Jonas F, Forey R, Sack R, Seebacher J, Schmid CD, Barkai N, Shimada K, Gasser SM, Poli J

Replication stress: from chromatin to immunity and beyond.

Lin YL, Pasero P

lire la publication

Toxic R-loops: Cause or consequence of replication stress?

Samira Kemiha, Jérôme Poli, Yea-Lih Lin, Armelle Lengronne, Philippe Pasero

en savoir plus

3D positioning of tagged DNA loci by widefield and super-resolution fluorescence imaging of fixed yeast nuclei

Mégane Da Mota, Julien Cau, Julio Mateos-Langerak, Armelle Lengronne, Philippe Pasero, Jérôme Poli

A Role for the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 Complex in Gene Expression and Chromosome Organization

Forey R, Barthe A, Tittel-Elmer M, Wery M, Barrault MB, Ducrot C, Seeber A, Krietenstein N, Szachnowski U, Skrzypczak M, Ginalski K, Rowicka M, Cobb J, Rando OJ, Soutourina J, Dubrana K, Gasser SM, Morillon A, Pasero P, Lengronne A and Poli J

en savoir plus

Topoisomerase 1 prevents replication stress at R-loop-enriched transcription termination sites

Promonet A, Padioleau I, Liu Y, Sanz L, Biernacka A, Schmitz AL, Skrzypczak M, Sarrazin A, Mettling C, Rowicka M, Ginalski K, Chedin F, Chen CL, Lin YL, Pasero P

en savoir plus

Homologous recombination and Mus81 promote replication completion in response to replication fork blockage

Benjamin Pardo, María Moriel‐Carretero, Thibaud Vicat, Andrés Aguilera, Philippe Pasero

en savoir plus

Mec1 Is Activated at the Onset of Normal S Phase by Low-dNTP Pools Impeding DNA Replication

Romain Forey, Ana Poveda, Sushma Sharma, Antoine Barthe, Ismael Padioleau, Claire Renard, Robin Lambert, Magdalena Skrzypczak, Krzysztof Ginalski, Armelle Lengronne, Andrei Chabes, Benjamin Pardo, Philippe Pasero

en savoir plus

MRX Increases Chromatin Accessibility at Stalled Replication Forks to Promote Nascent DNA Resection and Cohesin Loading.

Delamarre A, Barthe A, de la Roche Saint-André C, Luciano P, Forey R, Padioleau I, Skrzypczak M, Ginalski K, Géli V, Pasero P, Lengronne A

+ Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

MRX Increases Chromatin Accessibility at Stalled Replication Forks to Promote Nascent DNA Resection and Cohesin Loading.

Delamarre A, Barthe A, de la Roche Saint-André C, Luciano P, Forey R, Padioleau I, Skrzypczak M, Ginalski K, Géli V, Pasero P, Lengronne A

+ Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

Inhibition of Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated and RAD3-related (ATR) overcomes oxaliplatin resistance and promotes anti-tumor immunity in colorectal cancer.

Combes E, Andrade AF, Tosi D, Michaud HA, Coquel F, Garambois V, Desigaud D, Jarlier M, Coquelle A, Pasero P, Bonnefoy N, Moreaux J, Martineau P, Del Rio M, Beijersbergen RL, Vezzio-Vie N, Gongora C

Overexpression of Claspin and Timeless protects cancer cells from replication stress in a checkpoint-independent manner.

Bianco JN, Bergoglio V, Lin YL, Pillaire MJ, Schmitz AL, Gilhodes J, Lusque A, Mazières J, Lacroix-Triki M, Roumeliotis TI, Choudhary J, Moreaux J, Hoffmann JS, Tourrière H, Pasero P

EZH2 is overexpressed in transitional preplasmablasts and is involved in human plasma cell differentiation.

Herviou L, Jourdan M, Martinez AM, Cavalli G, Moreaux J

+ Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

DDR Inc., one business, two associates.

Moriel-Carretero M, Pasero P, Pardo B

Myeloid-derived suppressor cells induce multiple myeloma cell survival by activating the AMPK pathway.

De Veirman K, Menu E, Maes K, De Beule N, De Smedt E, Maes A, Vlummens P, Fostier K, Kassambara A, Moreaux J, Van Ginderachter JA, De Bruyne E, Vanderkerken K, Van Valckenborgh E

i-BLESS is an ultra-sensitive method for detection of DNA double-strand breaks.

Biernacka A, Zhu Y, Skrzypczak M, Forey R, Pardo B, Grzelak M, Nde J, Mitra A, Kudlicki A, Crosetto N, Pasero P, Rowicka M, Ginalski K

SAMHD1 and the innate immune response to cytosolic DNA during DNA replication.

Coquel F, Neumayer C, Lin YL, Pasero P

PRC2 targeting is a therapeutic strategy for EZ score defined high-risk multiple myeloma patients and overcome resistance to IMiDs.

Herviou L, Kassambara A, Boireau S, Robert N, Requirand G, Müller-Tidow C, Vincent L, Seckinger A, Goldschmidt H, Cartron G, Hose D, Cavalli G, Moreaux J

+ Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Mrc1 and Rad9 cooperate to regulate initiation and elongation of DNA replication in response to DNA damage.

Bacal J, Moriel-Carretero M, Pardo B, Barthe A, Sharma S, Chabes A, Lengronne A, Pasero P

DDK Has a Primary Role in Processing Stalled Replication Forks to Initiate Downstream Checkpoint Signaling.

Sasi NK, Coquel F, Lin YL, MacKeigan JP, Pasero P, Weinreich M

Physiological and druggable skipping of immunoglobulin variable exons in plasma cells.

Ashi MO, Srour N, Lambert JM, Marchalot A, Martin O, Le Noir S, Pinaud E, Ayala MV, Sirac C, Saulière J, Moreaux J, Cogné M, Delpy L

SAMHD1 acts at stalled replication forks to prevent interferon induction.

Coquel F, Silva MJ, Técher H, Zadorozhny K, Sharma S, Nieminuszczy J, Mettling C, Dardillac E, Barthe A, Schmitz AL, Promonet A, Cribier A, Sarrazin A, Niedzwiedz W, Lopez B, Costanzo V, Krejci L, Chabes A, Benkirane M, Lin YL, Pasero P

DNMTi/HDACi combined epigenetic targeted treatment induces reprogramming of myeloma cells in the direction of normal plasma cells.

Bruyer A, Maes K, Herviou L, Kassambara A, Seckinger A, Cartron G, Rème T, Robert N, Requirand G, Boireau S, Müller-Tidow C, Veyrune JL, Vincent L, Bouhya S, Goldschmidt H, Vanderkerken K, Hose D, Klein B, De Bruyne E, Moreaux J

Senataxin resolves RNA:DNA hybrids forming at DNA double-strand breaks to prevent translocations.

Cohen S, Puget N, Lin YL, Clouaire T, Aguirrebengoa M, Rocher V, Pasero P, Canitrot Y, Legube G

Dbf4 recruitment by forkhead transcription factors defines an upstream rate-limiting step in determining origin firing timing.

Fang D, Lengronne A, Shi D, Forey R, Skrzypczak M, Ginalski K, Yan C, Wang X, Cao Q, Pasero P, Lou H

Loss of RASSF4 Expression in Multiple Myeloma Promotes RAS-Driven Malignant Progression.

De Smedt E, Maes K, Verhulst S, Lui H, Kassambara A, Maes A, Robert N, Heirman C, Cakana A, Hose D, Breckpot K, van Grunsven LA, De Veirman K, Menu E, Vanderkerken K, Moreaux J, De Bruyne E

CD24, CD27, CD36 and CD302 gene expression for outcome prediction in patients with multiple myeloma.

Alaterre E, Raimbault S, Goldschmidt H, Bouhya S, Requirand G, Robert N, Boireau S, Seckinger A, Hose D, Klein B, Moreaux J

Extracellular S100A9 Protein in Bone Marrow Supports Multiple Myeloma Survival by Stimulating Angiogenesis and Cytokine Secretion.

De Veirman K, De Beule N, Maes K, Menu E, De Bruyne E, De Raeve H, Fostier K, Moreaux J, Kassambara A, Hose D, Heusschen R, Eriksson H, Vanderkerken K, Van Valckenborgh E.

Automated and simplified identification of normal and abnormal plasma cells in Multiple Myeloma by flow cytometry

Alaterre E, Raimbault S, Garcia JM, Rème T, Requirand G, Klein B, Moreaux J.

Transcription-Replication Conflicts: Orientation Matters

Lin, YL., Pasero, P.

Characterization of human FCRL4-positive B cells

Jourdan M, Robert N, Cren M, Thibaut C, Duperray C, Kassambara A, Cogné M, Tarte K, Klein B, Moreaux J.

Hypoxia favors the generation of human plasma cells

Schoenhals M, Jourdan M, Bruyer A, Kassambara A, Klein B, Moreaux J.

Global miRNA expression analysis identifies novel key regulators of plasma cell differentiation and malignant plasma cell.

Kassambara A, Jourdan M, Bruyer A, Robert N, Pantesco V, Elemento O, Klein B, Moreaux J.

RECQ1 helicase is involved in replication stress survival and drug resistance in multiple myeloma

Viziteu E, Klein B, Basbous J, Lin YL, Hirtz C, Gourzones C, Tiers L, Bruyer A, Vincent L, Grandmougin C, Seckinger A, Goldschmidt H, Constantinou A, Pasero P, Hose D, Moreaux J.

+ Instabilité Génétique et Cancer

Nuclear DNA replication and repair in parasites of the genus Leishmania: Exploiting differences to develop innovative therapeutic approaches

Uzcanga G, Lara E, Gutiérrez F, Beaty D, Beske T, Teran R, Navarro JC, Pasero P, Benítez W, Poveda A

Signaling Pathways of Replication Stress in Yeast

Pardo B, Crabbé L, Pasero P

Nucleases Acting at Stalled Forks: How to Reboot the Replication Program with a Few Shortcuts

Pasero P, Vindigni A.

RPA Mediates Recruitment of MRX to Forks and Double-Strand Breaks to Hold Sister Chromatids Together

Seeber A, Hegnauer AM, Hustedt N, Deshpande I, Poli J, Eglinger J, Pasero P, Gut H, Shinohara M, Hopfner KP, Shimada K, Gasser SM.

Phosphorylation of CMG helicase and Tof1 is required for programmed fork arrest

Bastia D, Srivastava P, Zaman S, Choudhury M, Mohanty BK, Bacal J, Langston LD, Pasero P, O'Donnell ME

Forced KLF4 expression increases the generation of mature plasma cells and uncovers a network linked with plasma cell stage

Schoenhals M, Jourdan M, Seckinger A, Pantesco V, Hose D, Kassambara A, Moreaux J, Klein B.

USP1 Regulates Cellular Senescence by Controlling Genomic Integrity

Ogrunc M, Martinez-Zamudio RI, Sadoun PB, Dore G, Schwerer H, Pasero P, Lemaitre JM, Dejean A, Bischof O

Differential effects of lenalidomide during plasma cell differentiation

Jourdan M, Cren M, Schafer P, Robert N, Duperray C, Vincent L, Ceballos P, Cartron G, Rossi JF, Moreaux J, Chopra R, Klein B

Chetomin, targeting HIF-1α/p300 complex, exhibits antitumour activity in multiple myeloma

Viziteu E, Grandmougin C, Goldschmidt H, Seckinger A, Hose D, Klein B, Moreaux J.

RECQ helicases are deregulated in hematological malignancies in association with a prognostic value

Viziteu E, Kassambara A, Pasero P, Klein B, Moreaux J.

Mec1, INO80, and the PAF1 complex cooperate to limit transcription replication conflicts through RNAPII removal during replication stress

Poli J, Gerhold CB, Tosi A, Hustedt N, Seeber A, Sack R, Herzog F, Pasero P, Shimada K, Hopfner KP, Gasser SM.

Inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome induces a metaphase arrest and cell death in multiple myeloma cells

Lub S, Maes A, Maes K, De Veirman K, De Bruyne E, Menu E, Fostier K, Kassambara A, Moreaux J, Hose D, Leleu X, King RW, Vanderkerken K, Van Valckenborgh E.

Identifying high-risk adult AML patients: epigenetic and genetic risk factors and their implications for therapy

Bret C, Viziteu E, Kassambara A, Moreaux J.

DNA repair in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a molecular portrait

Bret C, Klein B, Cartron G, Schved JF, Constantinou A, Pasero P, Moreaux J.

+ Instabilité Génétique et Cancer

Essential Roles of the Smc5/6 Complex in Replication through Natural Pausing Sites and Endogenous DNA Damage Tolerance

Menolfi D, Delamarre A, Lengronne A, Pasero P, Branzei D.

miRNAs in multiple myeloma - a survival relevant complex regulator of gene expression

Seckinger A, Meißner T, Moreaux J, Benes V, Hillengass J, Castoldi M, Zimmermann J, Ho AD, Jauch A, Goldschmidt H, Klein B, Hose D.

Expression and role of RIP140/NRIP1 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Lapierre M, Castet-Nicolas A, Gitenay D, Jalaguier S, Teyssier C, Bret C, Cartron G, Moreaux J, Cavaillès V. J Hematol Oncol. 2015 Mar 4;8(1):20.

In vivo treatment with epigenetic modulating agents induces transcriptional alterations associated with prognosis and immunomodulation in multiple myeloma

Maes K, De Smedt E, Kassambara A, Hose D, Seckinger A, Van Valckenborgh E, Menu E, Klein B, Vanderkerken K, Moreaux J, De Bruyne E

Drug metabolism and clearance system in tumor cells of patients with multiple myeloma

Hassen W, Kassambara A, Reme T, Sahota S, Seckinger A, Vincent L, Cartron G, Moreaux J, Hose D, Klein B

A DNA repair pathway score predicts survival in human multiple myeloma: the potential for therapeutic strategy

Kassambara A, Gourzones-Dmitriev C, Sahota S, Rème T, Moreaux J, Goldschmidt H, Constantinou A, Pasero P, Hose D, Klein B

+ Instabilité Génétique et Cancer

SAMHD1 is mutated recurrently in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and is involved in response to DNA damage

Clifford R, Louis T, Robbe P, Ackroyd S, Burns A, Timbs AT, Colopy GW, Dreau H, Sigaux F, Judde JG, Rotger M, Telenti A, Lin YL, Pasero P, Maelfait J, Titsias M, Cohen DR, Henderson SJ, Ross M, Bentley D, Hillmen P, Pettitt A, Rehwinkel J, Knight SJ, Taylor JC, Crow YJ, Benkirane M, Schuh A.

+ Virologie Moléculaire

Caught in the Act: R-Loops Are Cleaved by Structure-Specific Endonucleases to Generate DSBs

Lin YL, Pasero P.

Closing the MCM cycle at replication termination sites

Lengronne A, Pasero P.

The histone deacetylases sir2 and rpd3 act on ribosomal DNA to control the replication program in budding yeast.

Yoshida K, Bacal J, Desmarais D, Padioleau I, Tsaponina O, Chabes A, Pantesco V, Dubois E, Parrinello H, Skrzypczak M, Ginalski K, Lengronne A, Pasero P

The causes of replication stress and their consequences on genome stability and cell fate

Magdalou I, Lopez BS, Pasero P, Lambert SA

Domain within the helicase subunit Mcm4 integrates multiple kinase signals to control DNA replication initiation and fork progression

Sheu YJ, Kinney JB, Lengronne A, Pasero P, Stillman B.

New histone supply regulates replication fork speed and PCNA unloading

Mejlvang J, Feng Y, Alabert C, Neelsen KJ, Jasencakova Z, Zhao X, Lees M, Sandelin A, Pasero P, Lopes M, Groth A.

Genetic and epigenetic determinants of DNA replication origins, position and activation

Méchali M, Yoshida K, Coulombe P, Pasero P.

+ Réplication et Dynamique du Génome

DNA polymerase η modulates replication fork progression and DNA damage responses in platinum-treated human cells

Sokol AM, Cruet-Hennequart S, Pasero P, Carty MP.

Time to Be Versatile: Regulation of the Replication Timing Program in Budding Yeast

Yoshida K, Poveda A, Pasero P.

DNA repair pathways in human multiple myeloma: Role in oncogenesis and potential targets for treatment.

Gourzones-Dmitriev C, Kassambara A, Sahota S, Rème T, Moreaux J, Bourquard P, Hose D, Pasero P, Constantinou A, Klein B.

+ Instabilité Génétique et Cancer

Rescuing stalled or damaged replication forks

Yeeles JT, Poli J, Marians KJ, Pasero P.

Nucleotide-resolution DNA double-strand break mapping by next-generation sequencing

Crosetto N, Mitra A, Silva MJ, Bienko M, Dojer N, Wang Q, Karaca E, Chiarle R, Skrzypczak M, Ginalski K, Pasero P, Rowicka M, Dikic I

Interference between DNA replication and transcription as a cause of genomic instability

Lin YL, Pasero P.

Cohesin Association to Replication Sites Depends on Rad50 and Promotes Fork Restart.

Tittel-Elmer M, Lengronne A, Davidson MB, Bacal J, François P, Hohl M, Petrini JH, Pasero P, Cobb JA.

Analysis of DNA replication profiles in budding yeast and mammalian cells using DNA combing

Bianco JN, Poli J, Saksouk J, Bacal J, Silva MJ, Yoshida K, Lin YL, Tourrière H, Lengronne A, Pasero P.

dNTP pools determine fork progression and origin usage under replication stress.

Poli J, Tsaponina O, Crabbé L, Keszthelyi A, Pantesco V, Chabes A, Lengronne A, Pasero P.

Histone h3 lysine 56 acetylation and the response to DNA replication fork damage.

Wurtele H, Kaiser GS, Bacal J, St-Hilaire E, Lee EH, Tsao S, Dorn J, Maddox P, Lisby M, Pasero P, Verreault A.

DNA replication stress response involving PLK1, CDC6, POLQ, RAD51 and CLASPIN upregulation prognoses the outcome of early/mid-stage non-small cell lung cancer patients

Allera-Moreau C, Rouquette I, Lepage B, Oumouhou N, Walschaerts M, Leconte E, Schilling V, Gordien K, Brouchet L, Delisle MB, Mazieres J, Hoffmann JS, Pasero P, Cazaux C.

New Topoisomerase I mutations are associated with resistance to camptothecin

Gongora, C., Vezzio-Vie, N., Tuduri, S., Denis, V., Causse, A., Auzanneau, C., Collod-Beroud, G., Coquelle, A., Pasero, P., Pourquier, P., Martineau, P., Del Rio, M

A DNA replication signature of progression and negative outcome in colorectal cancer

Pillaire, M.J., Selves, J., Gordien, K., Gouraud, P.A., Gentil, C., Danjoux, M., Do, C., Negre, V., Bieth, A., Guimbaud, R., Trouche, D., Pasero, P., Méchali, M., Hoffmann, JS, and Cazaux, C

+ Réplication et Dynamique du Génome

Transcription and replication: Breaking the rules of the road causes genomic instability

Poveda, AM., Le Clech, M., Pasero, P.

RNAi-based screening identifies the Mms22L-Nfkbil2 complex as a novel regulator of DNA replication in human cells

Piwko, W., Olma, MH., Held, M., Bianco, JN., Pedrioli, PG., Hofmann, K., Pasero, P., Gerlich, DW., Peter, M

Topoisomerase I suppresses genomic instability by preventing interference between replication and transcription

Tuduri, S., Crabbé, L., Conti, C., Tourrière, H., Holtgreve-Grez, H., Jauch, A., Pantesco, V., De Vos, J., Thomas, A., Theillet, C., Pommier, Y., Tazi, J., Coquelle, A., Pasero, P

Analysis of replication profiles reveals key role of RFC-Ctf18 in yeast replication stress response.

Crabbe, L., Thomas, A., Pantesco, V., De Vos, J., Pasero, P. and Lengronne, A.

Exo1 competes with repair synthesis, converts NER intermediates to long ssDNA gaps, and promotes checkpoint activation.

Giannattasio M, Follonier C, Tourrière H, Puddu F, Lazzaro F, Pasero P, Lopes M, Plevani P, Muzi-Falconi M

The Smc5/6 complex is required for dissolution of DNA-mediated sister chromatid linkages

Bermúdez-López, M., Ceschia, A., de Piccoli, G., Colomina, N., Pasero, P., Aragón, L., Torres-Rosell, J.

Defining replication origin efficiency using DNA fiber assays.

Tuduri, S., Tourrière, H., Pasero, P.

Does interference between replication and transcription contribute to genomic instability in cancer cells?

Tuduri, S., Crabbe, L., Tourrière, H., Coquelle, A., Pasero, P.

Defining replication origin efficiency using DNA fiber assays

Tuduri, S., Tourrière, H., Pasero, P

Involvement of a chromatin remodeling complex in damage tolerance during DNA replication

Falbo, K.B., Alabert, C., Katou, Y., Wu, S., Han, J., Wehr, T., Xiao, J., He, X., Zhang, Z., Shi, Y., Shirahige, K., Pasero, P., Shen, X.

Topoisomerase I suppresses genomic instability by preventing interference between replication and transcription.

Tuduri S, Crabbé L, Conti C, Tourrière H, Holtgreve-Grez H, Jauch A, Pantesco V, De Vos J, Thomas A, Theillet C, Pommier Y, Tazi J, Coquelle A, Pasero P.

Single-molecule analysis of DNA replication in yeast and in human cells.

Alabert, C., Poveda, A. and Pasero, P

Specific function of phosphoinositide 3-kinase beta in the control of DNA replication.

Marqués, M., Kumar, A., Poveda, AM., Zuluaga, S., Hernández, C., Jackson, S., Pasero, P., Carrera, AC.

The MRX complex stabilizes the replisome independently of the S phase checkpoint during replication stress.

Tittel-Elmer M, Alabert C, Pasero P, Cobb JA.

Differential regulation of homologous recombination at DNA breaks and replication forks by the Mrc1 branch of the S-phase checkpoint.

Alabert C, Bianco JN, Pasero P

Rtt101 and Mms1 in budding yeast form a CUL4(DDB1)-like ubiquitin ligase that promotes replication through damaged DNA

Zaidi, IW., Rabut, G., Poveda, A., Scheel, H., Malmström, J., Ulrich, H., Hofmann, K., Pasero, P., Peter, M., Luke, B.

A journey into the nucleus. Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics.

Solovei, I., Pasero, P., Visa, N.

Phosphorylation of Slx4 by Mec1 and Tel1 regulates the single-strand annealing mode of DNA repair in budding yeast

Flott, S., Alabert, C., Toh, GW., Toth, R., Sugawara, N., Campbell, DG., Haber, JE., Pasero, P., Rouse, J.

Upregulation of error-prone DNA polymerases beta and kappa slows down fork progression without activating the replication checkpoint

Pillaire MJ, Betous R, Conti C, Czaplicki J, Pasero P, Bensimon A, Cazaux C, Hoffmann JS.

Anaphase onset before complete DNA replication with intact checkpoint responses

Torres-Rosell J, De Piccoli G, Cordon-Preciado V, Farmer S, Jarmuz A, Machin F, Pasero P, Lisby M, Haber JE, Aragon L.

Maintenance of fork integrity at damaged DNA and natural pause sites.

Tourriere, H., Pasero Ph.

An essential role for Orc6 in DNA replication through maintenance of pre-replicative complexes

Semple JW, Da-Silva LF, Jervis EJ, Ah-Kee J, Al-Attar H, Kummer L, Heikkila JJ, Pasero P, Duncker BP.

The cullin Rtt101p promotes replication fork progression through damaged DNA and natural pause sites.

Luke, B, Versini, G, Jaquenoud, M, Zaidi, IW, Kurz, T, Pintard, L, Pasero, P, Peter, M.

Mrc1 and tof1 promote replication fork progression and recovery independently of Rad53

Tourriere, H., Versini, G., Cordon-Preciado, V., Alabert, C., Pasero, P.

Thèses et hdr

Etude du rôle des protéines RNases H dans la réponse cellulaire au stress réplicatif 14/05/2022

Soutenue par Samira Kemiha le 14/04/2022 sous la supervision d'Armelle Lengronne et Jérôme Poli 

HDR 08/04/2022

Comment les cellules coordonnent-elles réplication et transcription ?
Par Jérôme Poli le 08/04/2022

Etude des causes et des conséquences du stress réplicatif endogène chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae 15/11/2019

Soutenue par Romain Forey le 15/11/2019 sous la direction de Philippe Pasero

Etude du rôle de SAMHD1 dans la réponse au stress réplicatif et la production d’interférons de type I 19/09/2018

Soutenue par Flavie Coquel le 19/09/2018 sous la direction de Yea-Lih Lin et de Philippe Pasero

Étude génomique de l'interférence entre la réplication et la transcription comme source du stress réplicatif 24/11/2017

Soutenue par Ismaël Padioleau le 24/11/2017 sous la direction de Philippe Pasero

Implication de l’interférence entre réplication et transcription au cours du développement du cancer 15/12/2016

Soutenue par Alexy Promonet le 15/12/2016 sous la direction de Yea-Lih Lin et de Philippe Pasero

DA MOTA Mégane
DA MOTA Mégane
YANG Chun-Yen
YANG Chun-Yen