
Clinical and Product Features Associated with Outcome of DLBCL Patients to CD19-Targeted CAR T-Cell Therapy.

Modifications épigénétiques et instabilité génomique dans les cellules B normales et tumorales

Lamure S, Van Laethem F, De Verbizier D, Lozano C, Gehlkopf E, Tudesq JJ, Serrand C, Benzaoui M, Kanouni T, Quintard A, De Vos J, Tchernonog E, Platon L, Ayrignac X, Ceballos P, Sirvent A, François M, Guedon H, Quittet P, Mongellaz C, Conte A, Herbaux C, Bret C, Taylor N, Dardalhon V, Cartron G

A release-and-capture mechanism generates an essential non-centrosomal microtubule array during tube budding.

Tubulin code

Gillard G, Girdler G, Röper K

Clinical Correlations of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 in Different Tumor Types.

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Erokhin M, Chetverina O, Győrffy B, Tatarskiy VV, Mogila V, Shtil AA, Roninson IB, Moreaux J, Georgiev P, Cavalli G, Chetverina D

Chromosome Organization in Early Meiotic Prophase.

Méiose et recombinaison

Grey C, de Massy B

3D positioning of tagged DNA loci by widefield and super-resolution fluorescence imaging of fixed yeast nuclei

Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication

Mégane Da Mota, Julien Cau, Julio Mateos-Langerak, Armelle Lengronne, Philippe Pasero, Jérôme Poli