
IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®, the reference in immunogenetics and immunoinformatics. In: Proceedings First International Congress on Macromolecular Biochemistry and Genetics. Gafsa, Tunisia, 12-16 April 2007.

IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique

Duroux P., Giudicelli V., Kaas Q., Jabado-Michaloud J., Folch G., Ginestoux C., Brochet X., Lane J., Régnier L. Wu Y., Garapati V.P., Bellahcene F., Servier E.-J., Ehrenmann F., Lefranc G and Lefranc M.-P.

Coexpression of Wilms' tumor suppressor 1 (WT1) and androgen receptor (AR)in the genital tract of human male embryos and regulation of AR promoter activity by WT1

Développement et Pathologie de la Gonade

Köhler, B., Delezoide, AL., Boizet-Bonhoure, B., McPhaul, MJ., Sultan, C., Lumbroso, S

Suv39H1 and HP1gamma are responsible for chromatin-mediated HIV-1 transcriptional silencing and post-integration latency. EMBO J. 2007, 26:424-35.

Biologie cellulaire de l'ARN

Du Chene, I., Basyuk, E., Lin, Y., Triboulet, R., Knezevich, A., Chable-Bessia, C., Mettling, C., Baillat, V., Reynes, J., Corbeau, P., Bertrand, E., Marcello, A., Emiliani, S., Kiernan, R., and Benkirane, M.

Regulating double-stranded DNA break repair towards crossover or non-crossover during mammalian meiosis

Méiose et recombinaison

Baudat, F., de Massy, B.

Respective roles of the DRL receptor and its ligand WNT5 in Drosophila mushroom body development.

Neurogénétique et Mémoire

Grillenzoni, N., Flandre, A., Lasbleiz, C., Dura, JM

Small-molecule inhibition of HIV pre-mRNA splicing as a novel antiretroviral therapy to overcome drug resistance

Domiciliation, activation immunitaire et infection

Bakkour, N., Lin, YL., Maire, S., Ayadi, L., Mahuteau-Betzer, F., Nguyen, C.H., Mettling, C., Portales, P. , Grierson, D., Chabot, B., Jeanteur, P., Branlant, C., Corbeau, P., Tazi, J.

Small non-coding RNAs, mammalian cells, and viruses: regulatory interactions?

Virologie Moléculaire

Yeung, ML., Benkirane, M., Jeang, KT.

Visualizing macromolecules with fluoronanogold: from photon microscopy to electron tomography.

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Cheutin, T., Sauvage, C., Tchélidzé, P., O

The regulation of Sox9 gene expression by the GATA4/FOG2 transcriptional complex in dominant XX sex reversal mouse models

Développement et Pathologie de la Gonade

Manuylov, NL., Fujiwara, Y., Adameyko, II., Poulat, F., Tevosian, SG.

Unintegrated HIV-1 provides an inducible and functional reservoir in untreated and highly active antiretroviral therapy-treated patients

Domiciliation, activation immunitaire et infection

Petitjean, G., Al Tabaa, Y., Tuaillon, E., Mettling, C., Baillat, V., Reynes, J., Segondy, M., Vendrell, JP.

The HIV-1 Tat protein stimulates reverse transcription in vitro.

Virologie Moléculaire

+ Régulation des gènes

Apolloni, A., Meredith, LW., Suhrbier, A., Kiernan, R., Harrich, D

Polycomb response elements mediate the formation of chromosome higher-order structures in the bithorax complex.

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Lanzuolo C, Roure V, Dekker J, Bantignies F, Orlando V.

Idefix insulator activity can be modulated by nearby regulatory elements.

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Brasset E, Bantignies F, Court F, Cheresiz S, Conte C, Vaury C.