
Dedicator of cytokinesis 8-deficient patients have a breakdown in peripheral B-cell tolerance and defective regulatory T cells.

IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique

Janssen E, Morbach H, Ullas S, Bannock JM, Massad C, Menard L, Barlan I, Lefranc G, Su H, Dasouki M, Al-Herz W, Keles S, Chatila T, Geha RS, Meffre E.

Proteomic and 3D structure analyses highlight the C/D box snoRNP assembly mechanism and its control.

Biologie cellulaire de l'ARN

Bizarro, J., Charron, C., Boulon, S., Westman, B., Pradet-Balade, B., Vandermoere, F., Chagot, ME., Hallais, M., Ahmad, Y., Leonhardt, H., Lamond, A., Manival, X., Branlant, C., Charpentier, B., Verheggen*, C., Bertrand*, E. *: co-corresponding authors.

Hypermethylated-capped selenoprotein mRNAs in mammals.

Biologie cellulaire de l'ARN

Wurth L, Gribling-Burrer AS, Verheggen C, Leichter M, Takeuchi A, Baudrey S, Martin F, Krol A, Bertrand E, Allmang C.

Stable assembly of HIV-1 export complexes occurs co-transcriptionally.

Biologie cellulaire de l'ARN

Nawroth, I., Mueller, F., Basyuk, E., Beerens, N., Rahbek, U. Darzacq, X., Bertrand, E.*, Kjems, J.* and Schmidt, U.* *: co-corresponding authors.

Characterization of a new V gene replacement in the absence of activation-induced cytidine deaminase and its contribution to human B-cell receptor diversity

IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique

Ouled-Haddou H, Ghamlouch H, Regnier A, Trudel S, Herent D, Lefranc MP, Marolleau JP, Gubler B.

Cnidarian microRNAs frequently regulate targets by cleavage

Impact systémique des petits ARN régulateurs

Moran, Y., Fredman, D., Praher, D., Li Z. L., Meng Wee,L., Rentzsch, F., Zamore,P.D., Technau, U., Seitz H.

Cell Cycle-Dependent Expression of Dub3, Nanog and the p160 Family of Nuclear Receptor Coactivators (NCoAs) in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

Surveillance et Stabilité du Génome

van der Laan S, Golfetto E, Vanacker JM, Maiorano D.

Identification of Regulators of the Three-Dimensional Polycomb Organization by a Microscopy-Based Genome-wide RNAi Screen

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Gonzalez I, Mateos-Langerak J, Thomas A, Cheutin T, Cavalli G.

Prostaglandin D2 synthase/GPR44: a signaling axis in PNS myelination

Développement et Pathologie de la Gonade

Trimarco A, Forese MG, Alfieri V, Lucente A, Brambilla P, Dina G, Pieragostino D, Sacchetta P, Urade Y, Boizet-Bonhoure B, Boneschi FM, Quattrini A, Taveggia C.

Integrator complex regulates NELF-mediated RNA polymerase II pause/release and processivity at coding genes

Virologie Moléculaire

Stadelmayer B, Micas G, Gamot A, Martin P, Malirat N, Koval S, Raffel R, Sobhian B, Severac D, Rialle S, Parrinello H, Cuvier O, Benkirane M

Redundant Mechanisms to Form Silent Chromatin at Pericentromeric Regions Rely on BEND3 and DNA Methylation

Biologie des Séquences Répétées

Saksouk N, Barth TK, Ziegler-Birling C, Olova N, Nowak A, Rey E, Mateos-Langerak J, Urbach S, Reik W, Torres-Padilla ME, Imhof A, Déjardin J.