
Whats, hows and whys of programmed DNA elimination in <i>Tetrahymena</i>.

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation

Noto T, Mochizuki K

Aubergine and piRNAs promote germline stem cell self-renewal by repressing the proto-oncogene Cbl.

Régulation des ARNm et Développement

Rojas-Ríos P, Chartier A, Pierson S, Simonelig M

Applying 'omics technologies in chemicals risk assessment: Report of an ECETOC workshop.

Impact systémique des petits ARN régulateurs

Buesen R, Chorley BN, da Silva Lima B, Daston G, Deferme L, Ebbels T, Gant TW, Goetz A, Greally J, Gribaldo L, Hackermüller J, Hubesch B, Jennen D, Johnson K, Kanno J, Kauffmann HM, Laffont M, McMullen P, Meehan R, Pemberton M, Perdichizzi S, Piersma AH, Sauer UG, Schmidt K, Seitz H, Sumida K, Tollefsen KE, Tong W, Tralau T, van Ravenzwaay B, Weber RJM, Worth A, Yauk C, Poole A

Novel interactors of the Drosophila Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) Complex suggest its full conservation.

Tubulin code

Lanfranco M, Cacciottolo R, Borg RM, Vassallo N, Juge F, Bordonné R, Cauchi RJ

Splicing factors act as genetic modulators of TDP-43 production in a new autoregulatory TDP-43 Drosophila model.

Tubulin code

Pons M, Miguel L, Miel C, Avequin T, Juge F, Frebourg T, Campion D, Lecourtois M

Translational repression of the Drosophila nanos mRNA involves the RNA helicase Belle and RNA coating by Me31B and Trailer hitch

Régulation des ARNm et Développement

Götze M, Dufourt J, Ihling C, Rammelt C, Pierson S, Sambrani N, Temme C, Sinz A, Simonelig M, Wahle E.

A Zip3-like protein plays a role in crossover formation in the SC-less meiosis of the protist <i>Tetrahymena</i>.

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation

Shodhan A, Kataoka K, Mochizuki K, Novatchkova M, Loidl J

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis as a manifestation of ARTEMIS deficiency in a young adult.

IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique

Tahiat A, Badran YR, Chou J, Cangemi B, Lefranc G, Labgaa ZM, Oussalam S, Kaddouri-Slimani A, Belarbi A, Bendissari-Bouzid K, Gharnaout M, Geha RS, Djidjik R, Massaad MJ

Chromosome conformation capture technologies and their impact in understanding genome function

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Sati S, Cavalli G.

Reversible p53 inhibition prevents cisplatin ototoxicity without blocking chemotherapeutic efficacy

Surveillance et Stabilité du Génome

Benkafadar N, Menardo J, Bourien J, Nouvian R, François F, Decaudin D, Maiorano D, Puel JL, Wang J.

microRNA target prediction programs predict many false positives

Impact systémique des petits ARN régulateurs

Pinzon, N., Li, B., Martinez, L., Sergeeva, A., Presumey, J., Apparailly, F., Seitz, H