Non-coding RNA Transcription in Tetrahymena Meiotic Nuclei Requires Dedicated Mediator Complex-Associated Proteins.
Publié le 10/07/2019
- Curr Biol
- pmid : 31280995
Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation
Tian M, Mochizuki K, Loidl J
Diversification of small RNA amplification mechanisms for targeting transposon-related sequences in ciliates.
Publié le 01/07/2019
- Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
- pmid : 31262823
Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation
Mutazono M, Noto T, Mochizuki K.
Prospective target assessment and multimodal prediction of survival for personalized and risk-adapted treatment strategies in multiple myeloma in the GMMG-MM5 multicenter trial.
Publié le 28/06/2019
- J Hematol Oncol
- pmid : 31242924
Modifications épigénétiques et instabilité génomique dans les cellules B normales et tumorales
Hose D, Beck S, Salwender H, Emde M, Bertsch U, Kunz C, Scheid C, Hänel M, Weisel K, Hielscher T, Raab MS, Goldschmidt H, Jauch A, Moreaux J, Seckinger A
The hydroxymethylome of multiple myeloma identifies FAM72D as a 1q21 marker linked to proliferation.
Publié le 22/06/2019
- Haematologica
- pmid : 31221779
Modifications épigénétiques et instabilité génomique dans les cellules B normales et tumorales
Chatonnet F, Pignarre A, Sérandour AA, Caron G, Avner S, Robert N, Kassambara A, Laurent A, Bizot M, Agirre X, Prosper F, Martin-Subero JI, Moreaux J, Fest T, Salbert G
Aubin Thomas, Sylvain Barriere, Lucile Broseus, Julie Brooke, Claudio Lorenzi, Jean-Philippe Villemin, Gregory Beurier, Robert Sabatier, Christelle Reynes, Alban Mancheron, William Ritchie
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Remodeling and destabilization of chromosome 1 pericentromeric heterochromatin by SSX proteins.
Publié le 23/05/2019
- Nucleic Acids Res
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Biologie des Séquences Répétées
Traynor S, Møllegaard NE, Jørgensen MG, Brückmann NH, Pedersen CB, Terp MG, Johansen S, Dejardin J, Ditzel HJ, Gjerstorff MF
Publié le 22/05/2019
- Cell Syst.
- pmid : 31078527
Biologie des éléments régulateurs distaux
Yang P, Humphrey SJ, Cinghu S, Pathania R, Oldfield AJ, Kumar D, Perera D, Yang JYH, James DE, Mann M, Jothi R.
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Combination of metformin with sodium selenite induces a functional phenotypic switch of human GM-CSF monocyte-derived macrophages.
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Meziane W, Mekkaoui Z, Hai I, Kacimi K, Djilali K, Touil-Boukoffa C, Lefranc G, Fernandez A, Lamb N, Mennechet F, Aribi M
The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome: a new promising target in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma.
Publié le 16/05/2019
- Br J Cancer
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Modifications épigénétiques et instabilité génomique dans les cellules B normales et tumorales
Maes A, Maes K, De Raeve H, De Smedt E, Vlummens P, Szablewski V, Devin J, Faict S, De Veirman K, Menu E, Offner F, Spaargaren M, Moreaux J, Vanderkerken K, Van Valckenborgh E, De Bruyne E
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- Science Advances
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Gauchier M, Kan S, Barral A, Sauzet S, Agirre E, Bonnell E, Saksouk N, Barth TK, Ide S, Urbach S, Wellinger RJ, Luco RF, Imhof A and Déjardin J
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Metazoan DNA replication origins
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Réplication et Dynamique du Génome
Ganier O., Prorok P, Akerman I. , Méchali M.
Involvement of G-quadruplex regions in mammalian replication origin activity
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- Nature Com.
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Réplication et Dynamique du Génome
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lire la publication
OBI1, an ORC ubiquitin ligase promoting DNA replication origin firing
Publié le 23/04/2019
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Réplication et Dynamique du Génome
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Mouse ANKRD31 Regulates Spatiotemporal Patterning of Meiotic Recombination Initiation and Ensures Recombination between X and Y Sex Chromosomes.
Publié le 20/04/2019
- Mol Cell
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Méiose et recombinaison
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Inhibition of Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated and RAD3-related (ATR) overcomes oxaliplatin resistance and promotes anti-tumor immunity in colorectal cancer.
Publié le 17/04/2019
- Cancer Res
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Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplication
Combes E, Andrade AF, Tosi D, Michaud HA, Coquel F, Garambois V, Desigaud D, Jarlier M, Coquelle A, Pasero P, Bonnefoy N, Moreaux J, Martineau P, Del Rio M, Beijersbergen RL, Vezzio-Vie N, Gongora C
Principles of genome folding into topologically associating domains.
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- Sci Adv
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Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire
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Inferred Allelic Variants of Immunoglobulin Receptor Genes: A System for Their Evaluation, Documentation, and Naming.
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IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique
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Force Transmission between Three Tissues Controls Bipolar Planar Polarity Establishment and Morphogenesis.
Publié le 02/04/2019
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Tubulin code
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