Identification of DmTTLL5 as a Major Tubulin Glutamylase in the Drosophila Nervous System
Published the 24/11/2017
- Sci. Rep.
- pmid : 29176602
Tubulin code
Devambez I, van Dijk J, Benlefki S, Layalle S, Grau Y, Rogowski K, Parmentier ML, Soustelle L.
piRNAs and Aubergine cooperate with Wispy poly(A) polymerase to stabilize mRNAs in the germ plasm
Published the 03/11/2017
- Nat Commun
- pmid : 29101389
mRNA Regulation and Development
Dufourt J, Bontonou G, Chartier A, Jahan C, Meunier AC, Pierson S, Harrison PF, Papin C, Beilharz TH, Simonelig M
CD24, CD27, CD36 and CD302 gene expression for outcome prediction in patients with multiple myeloma
Published the 30/10/2017
- Oncotarget
Epigenome modifications and genomic instability in normal and malignant B cells
Elina Alaterre, Sebastien Raimbault, Hartmut Goldschmidt, Salahedine Bouhya, Guilhem Requirand, Nicolas Robert, Stéphanie Boireau, Anja Seckinger, Dirk Hose, Bernard Klein and Jérôme Moreaux
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V<sub>1b</sub> vasopressin receptor trafficking and signaling: Role of arrestins, G proteins and Src kinase.
Published the 19/10/2017
- Traffic
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Perkovska S, Méjean C, Ayoub MA, Li J, Hemery F, Corbani M, Laguette N, Ventura MA, Orcel H, Durroux T, Mouillac B, Mendre C
Aubergine and piRNAs promote germline stem cell self-renewal by repressing the proto-oncogene Cbl.
Published the 13/10/2017
- pmid : 29030484
mRNA Regulation and Development
Rojas-Ríos P, Chartier A, Pierson S, Simonelig M
Applying 'omics technologies in chemicals risk assessment: Report of an ECETOC workshop.
Published the 30/09/2017
- Regul Toxicol Pharmacol
- pmid : 28958911
Systemic impact of small regulatory RNAs
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Novel interactors of the Drosophila Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) Complex suggest its full conservation.
Published the 28/09/2017
- FEBS Lett
- pmid : 28949413
Tubulin code
Lanfranco M, Cacciottolo R, Borg RM, Vassallo N, Juge F, Bordonné R, Cauchi RJ
Comprehensive annotation and evolutionary insights into the canine (Canis lupus familiaris) antigen receptor loci.
Published the 20/09/2017
- Immunogenetics
- pmid : 28924718
IMGT® - the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®
Martin J, Ponstingl H, Lefranc MP, Archer J, Sargan D, Bradley A
Elina Alaterre, Sebastien Raimbault, Jean-Michel Garcia,Thierry Reme,Guilhem Requirand, Bernard Klein, and Jerome Moreaux
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Splicing factors act as genetic modulators of TDP-43 production in a new autoregulatory TDP-43 Drosophila model.
Published the 01/09/2017
- Hum Mol Genet
- pmid : 28854702
Tubulin code
Pons M, Miguel L, Miel C, Avequin T, Juge F, Frebourg T, Campion D, Lecourtois M
Translational repression of the Drosophila nanos mRNA involves the RNA helicase Belle and RNA coating by Me31B and Trailer hitch
Published the 12/07/2017
- pmid : 28701521
mRNA Regulation and Development
Götze M, Dufourt J, Ihling C, Rammelt C, Pierson S, Sambrani N, Temme C, Sinz A, Simonelig M, Wahle E.
Michel Jourdan, Angélique Bruyer, Alboukadel Kassambara, Bernard Klein & Jérôme Moreaux
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E Viziteu, B Klein, J Basbous, Y-L Lin, C Hirtz, C Gourzones, L Tiers, A Bruyer, L Vincent, C Grandmougin, A Seckinger, H Goldschmidt, A Constantinou, P Pasero, D Hose, J Moreaux
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A Zip3-like protein plays a role in crossover formation in the SC-less meiosis of the protist <i>Tetrahymena</i>.
Published the 20/01/2017
- Mol Biol Cell
- pmid : 28100637
Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation
Shodhan A, Kataoka K, Mochizuki K, Novatchkova M, Loidl J