
FRM 2024
Soirée lauréats de la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale organisée par le comité Occitanie Languedoc/Roussillon de la FRM du 15 mai dernier. L'objectif de cette soirée était de mettre en valeur les chercheurs montpelliérains pour l'obtention de financement de la Fondation, preuve que leurs projets de recherche proposés étaient particulièrement pertinents.

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Chaires d’excellence
  The Health Innovation Agency presented the winners of the France 2030 “Chairs of Excellence in Biology/Health” call for projects. This system – which makes it possible to finance a research team in France over a period of five years – aims to retain and attract the best researchers in their discipline to France and thus strengthen the excellence of French research. Among the 22 distinguished researchers, 2 are from IGH :  Giacomo CAVALLI: EpigeneticMemories “Deciphering the role of regulatory...

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Vainqueur 3MT

Ali HAIDAR, Ph.D student in Martine SIMONELIG's team, won the regional final of "3 Minute Thesis" ( ) organized by the Coimbra Group and the Languedoc-Roussillon Doctoral College.

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mRNA Regulation and Development

2024 IGH call

The Institute of Human Genetics of Montpellier (IGH) opens a call for applications to a Principal Investigator position in its main areas of interest, namely genome dynamics, genomics, epigenetics, RNA biology, computational biology and AI, immunogenetics, developmental biology, cancer and infectious diseases.

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In Memoriam - Angelos Constantinou

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Angelos Constantinou on January 20, 2024. Angelos Constantinou was a world-renowned biochemist specializing in DNA repair mechanisms. He was an outstanding researcher, combining scientific rigor with remarkable creativity. Angelos was also an excellent teacher, a formidable colleague and, on a personal level, a friend. His death leaves a huge void at IGH and throughout the scientific community.

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Giacomo Cavalli a Highly Cited Researcher 2023
Each year, Clarivate™ identifies the small fraction of the global research scientists and social scientists who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field(s) of research. This select group contribute disproportionately to extending the frontiers of knowledge and gaining for society innovations that make the world healthier, more sustainable and more secure. Each researcher selected has authored multiple Highly Cited Papers™ which rank in the top 1% by citations for their...

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Contact IGH Giacomo CAVALLI

Chromatin and cell biology

1998-2023: IGH 25 years birthday.
Click below on "Website" to listen the interview (in french).   Philippe PASERO, directeur de l’IGH et Cyril SARRAUSTE DE MENTHIERE reviennent sur l'antenne de Radio Aviva à l’occasion des 25 ans de l’Institut de Génétique Humaine, un anniversaire qui a eu lieu le 20 et 21 novembre 2023 à l’Institut.   En effet, l’IGH a fêté ses 25 ans à Genopolys où se succédées des communications sur l’histoire de l’IGH, des « Flash Talks » des équipes de l’IGH, des présentations des départements, mais...

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Contact IGH Philippe PASERO
