
Conjugation-specific small RNAs in Tetrahymena have predicted properties of scan (scn) RNAs involved in genome rearrangement.

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation

Mochizuki K, Gorovsky MA

A complex containing the CCR4 and CAF1 proteins is involved in mRNA deadenylation in Drosophila

Régulation des ARNm et Développement

Temme, C., Zaessinger, S., Meyer, S., Simonelig, M., Wahle, E.

Histone H3 lysine 9 methylation is required for DNA elimination in developing macronuclei in Tetrahymena.

Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation

Liu Y, Mochizuki K, Gorovsky MA

DNA replication initiates at domains overlapping with nuclear matrix attachment regions in the xenopus and mouse c-myc promoter.

Réplication et Dynamique du Génome

Girard-Reydet, C., Gregoire, D., Vassetzky, Y., and Marcel Méchali.

Insulin and Wnt1 pathways cooperate to induce reserve cell activation in differentiation and myotube hypertrophy

Biologie des Cellules de Mammifères

Rochat A., Fernandez A., Vandromme M, Moles JP, Bouschet T, Carnac G and Lamb N.J.C.

The regulation of competence to replicate in meiosis by Cdc6 is conserved during evolution.

Réplication et Dynamique du Génome

+ Méiose et recombinaison

Lemaitre, JM., Bocquet, S., Terret, ME., Namdar, M., Ait-Ahmed, O., Kearsey, S., Verlhac, MH., and Méchali, M.

Feline immunodeficiency virus vectors for efficient transduction of primary human synoviocytes: application to an original model of rheumatoid arthritis

Domiciliation, activation immunitaire et infection

Lin, Y.-L., Noel, D., Mettling, C., Réant, B., Clot, J., Jorgensen, C., Corbeau, P. Reynes J, Baillat V, Portales P, Clot J, Corbeau P.

Relationship between CCR5 density and viral load after discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy

Domiciliation, activation immunitaire et infection

Reynes, J., Baillat, V., Portalès, P., Clot, J., Corbeau, P.

Interaction between GAF and Mod(mdg4) proteins promotes insulator bypass in Drosophila

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Melnikova, L., Juge, F., Gruzdeva, N., Mazur, A., Cavalli, G., and Georgiev, P.

Chromatin inheritance upon Zeste-mediated Brahma recruitment at a minimal cellular memory module

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Déjardin, J., and Cavalli, G.

Dissection of a natural RNA silencing process in the Drosophila melanogaster germ line

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire

Aravin, A. A., Klenov, M. S., Vagin, V. V., Bantignies, F., Cavalli, G., and Gvozdev, V. A.

Regulation of human SRY subcellular distribution by its acetylation/deacetylation.

Développement et Pathologie de la Gonade

+ Virologie Moléculaire

Thevenet, L., Mejean, C., Moniot, B., Bonneaud, N., Galeotti, N., Aldrian-Herrada, G., Poulat, F., Berta, P., Benkirane, M., Boizet-Bonhoure, B.