Alberto Pendas (Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Cellular del Cancer, Salamanca, ES)
Genopolys Amphitheater
Coordination of Synapsis and Crossover Designation and Maturation in Mouse MeiosisIn this presentation, I will discuss our recent discovery of a novel function of the synaptonemal complex protein SIX6OS1, which redefines the traditional understanding of the relationship between synapsis and meiotic recombination in mammals. Classically, synapsis and crossing over (CO) are viewed as interdependent processes that ensure genetic diversity and accurate chromosome segregation during gametogenesis. However, the molecular mechanisms linking these processes remain elusive. In humans,...
Contact IGH Bernard DE MASSY
Meiosis and recombination
Omaya Dudin (Dpt. Biochemistry, University of Geneva)
Genopolys amphitheater
Multicellular Developmental Diversity at the Root of AnimalsAll animals develop from a single-celled zygote and undergo complex morphogenetic processes to form multicellular organisms. These processes are regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors that drive key developmental events, such as symmetry breaking, cell division, and differentiation. Despite the remarkable conservation of these pathways across species, the evolutionary origins of these morphogenetic mechanisms remain unclear. A major challenge in addressing this question is the limited availability...
Contact IGH Kazufumi MOCHIZUKI
Kenzo TOKUNAGA, PhD (Department of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan)
Genopolys Amphitheater
MARCH8: The host E3 ubiquitin ligase as a powerful antiviral factorThe host E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCH8 plays a crucial role in antiviral defense by targeting various viral envelope glycoproteins, preventing their incorporation into virions, and thereby reducing viral infectivity. As a key factor in the human body’s intrinsic immunity— referred to as the third immunity—MARCH8 has emerged as one of the essential players in host antiviral protection. Our team initially worked on MARCH8 from the cell-biological aspect (1), and subsequently discovered its antiviral...
Contact IGH Monsef BENKIRANE | | Fabien Blanchet (IRIM)
Laboratory of Molecular Virology
Rob KLOSE (Oxford University, Dept of Biochemistry, UK)
Genopolys Amphitheater
Understanding how the Polycomb system controls transcription
Contact IGH Jerome DEJARDIN
Speaker: Normanno Davide Amphitheater of Genopolys
Square dancers and maze runners: Single-molecule imaging of protein-DNA transactions
Contact IGH Davide NORMANNO | | qbio
Chromatin and cell biology
Kristijan RAMADAN (University of Oxford, UK)
Genopolys Amphitheatre
Selective autophagy of DNA lesions promotes DNA repair and cell survival
Contact IGH Domenico MAIORANO
Dr. Jean Salamero
Genopolys amphitheater
A Deep Learning approach to challenge live imaging of EndoMAMs (endosomal membranes associated with mitochondria)Jean Salamero is an internationally renowned expert in imaging. He led a team at Curie for many years, working on endomembrane trafficking and developping various live, fixed and correlative imaging methods. In addition to his research acitivities, Jean played a major role to develop imaging infrastructures nationwide. He created and developped the Curie imaging facility, he was also a key player for the creation of France-BioImaging and later led this National Infrastructure dedicated to biological...
Contact IGH Edouard BERTRAND
Cell Biology of RNA
Jacques DROUIN (Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal)
Genopolys Amphitheatre
Dual DNA demethylation mechanisms implement epigenetic memory triggered by the pioneer factor Pax7
Contact IGH Giacomo CAVALLI
Chromatin and cell biology
Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo
IGH seminar room
Evolution of Drosophila glue, a promising system for biomimetic applicationsVirginie Courtier-Orgogozo is a research director at the CNRS, she leads a team at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris (https://courtier.ijm.fr/), she is an invited professor at the Collège de France (https://www.college-de-france.fr/fr/chaire/virginie-courtier-orgogozo-biodiversite-et-ecosystemes-chaire-annuelle/)
Contact IGH Isabelle BUSSEAU
Nick Gibert (Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit at the University of Edinburgh)
Regulation of large-scale chromatin architecture in human cells
Nick started his career as a PhD student in the biochemistry department at Edinburgh University, and continued his training as a postdoc with Professor Wendy Bickmore. He started his lab in the Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre in 2006 with a fellowship from the Wellcome Trust and moved to the Human Genetics Unit in 2012 funded by an MRC Senior Fellowship. Nick is currently an MRC Investigator and holds a Wellcome Investigator award.
Contact IGH Severine CHAMBEYRON
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