IGH Seminar room - 1st floor
Identification of a novel and rare somatic lineage in the developing mouse gonad
Contact IGH Francis POULAT | Serge Nef
Développement et Pathologie de la GonadeIGH Seminar room - 1st floor
Identification of a novel and rare somatic lineage in the developing mouse gonad
Contact IGH Francis POULAT | Serge Nef
Développement et Pathologie de la GonadeAmphitheater of Genopolys
Writing, reading, and erasing tubulin tyrosination
Contact IGH Krzysztof ROGOWSKI | Michel, Steinmetz
Tubulin codeAmphitheater of Genopolys
Hijacked NAD+ metabolism during axon degeneration in drosophila
Contact IGH Jean-Maurice DURA | Lucas Neukomm
Neurogénétique et MémoireAmphitheatre de Genopolys
Real-time monitoring of replication fork progression in single live cells
Amir Aharoni Department of Life Sciences and the National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Contact IGH Philippe PASERO
Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplicationAmphitheatre de Genopolys
History, achievements, promises, and issues of Gene therapy
Présenté par Serge Braun directeur scientifique de l’AFM-Téléthon
Contact IGH Marcel MECHALI
Amphitéâtre Genopolys
Genome and epigenome replication in mammalian cells
Contact Nataliya Petryk, Centre épigénétique et destin cellulaire UMR 7216, Paris
Amphitéâtre Genopolys
Formation and function of 3D chromatin domains in gene regulation
Contact Daniel Ibrahim Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestr. 73, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Amphitéâtre Genopolys
Dissecting Enhancer and Promoter Dynamics in Transcription
Contact Alessandro Gardini, the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia
Amphitéâtre Genopolys
Nuclear architecture- Cause and consequences on genome functions
Contact Charlène Boumendil, from CNRS researcher (CRCN), IJM, Paris, France- Lab of V. Doye-R. Karess Mechanisms of nuclear pores driven chromatin organization
Online Internal Seminars
Enhancer RNAs stimulate Pol II pause release by harnessing multivalent interactions to NELF
Zoom link: https://umontpellier-fr.zoom.us/j/87674664494?pwd=NVBwNk5xQkRxQ2ZjWmd5bDdLQjB0UT09
ID de réunion: 876 7466 4494; Code secret: 446615
Contact IGH Martine SIMONELIG | Claus-Dieter Kuhn, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Régulation des ARNm et Développement