Amphitheater at Genopolys
WORKSHOP IN EPIGENETICSThis one-week workshop aims to introduce the various aspects of epigenetic research via a highly interactive approach that will engage the students in lively discussions with a set of invited speakers chosen among the world leaders in the field. Students will go deep in the research topics of the speakers by combining mentored analysis of their published work with first hand private discussions with the speakers after an open seminar. While one day will be devoted to presentation of careers in academia,...
Contact IGH Charlene BOUMENDIL
Le CORUM, Montpellier, Fr
Imaging life: the futureThe “Imaging life: the future” international 2.5-day symposium which will be held in Montpellier, France October 17-19 to celebrate 20 years of imaging and cytometry at MRI aims to foster intense and friendly scientific discussions to try and foresee how future developments in light/electron microscopy and image analysis could further transform research in animal and plant biology across scales, from molecules to tissues. We are expecting to host 200 scientists from all over Europe. Cell Imaging Facility
UCT, Toulouse, France
1st Young Scientist Cancer Congress (YS2C)The CRCT postdocs association was created in 2022 by Benoît Aliaga, Chloé Bessière and Steffen Fuchs. It gathers the 31 postdocs who are currently present in our research center. We decided to organize the 1st Young Scientist Cancer Congress of the Cancéropôle Grand Sud Ouest (GSO) on the 5th October 2023 at the Oncopole, Toulouse. Aim: The main goals of this day are to promote the work of the GSO postdocs and young clinician scientists, to network, and to optimize their career paths. Public:...
Paris, Fr
International symposium on Human Genomics
The International symposium on Human Genomics will be the opportunity to promote research in genetics and genomics in France and to bring the community together. It will be opened to the national and international genetics and genomics community. Early-career researchers are encouraged to attend and submit either an oral or a poster presentation.
IGH Summer Symposium : Genome Stability and OrganizationThe symposium is organized on the occasion of the summer school and the lecturers of the school, who are internationally renowned scientists from the field of DNA replication, DNA repair, recombination, chromosome segregation, meiosis, epigenetics, and chromatin/chromosome structure, will provide presentations. The school participants (students and postdocs) will also provide posters. Registration:
Contact IGH Bernard DE MASSY
Amphitheater of Genopolys
Mini-Symposium on Small regulatory RNAs: from biogenesis to functionProgram 8h30-9h00 : Welcome 9h00-9h10 Séverine CHAMBEYRON Introduction 9h10-9h50 Ramesh PILLAI Piwi protein-directed piRNA biogenesis 9h50-10h30 Mikiko SIOMI Vasa in piRNA biogenesis 10h30-10h50 Yuica KOGA Analysis of molecular contribution of mitochondrial scaffold protein to piRISC maturation 11h20-12h00 Charlotte GRIMAUD Deciphering Piwi-dependent transcriptional silencing 12h00-12h20 Marion VAROQUI Transposable element biology : from their awakening to their new integration in the host...
Contact IGH Severine CHAMBEYRON
Non-coding RNA, epigenetics and genome stabilityAmphitheater of Genopolys
Synposium DNA replication and replication stress
Contact IGH Cyril RIBEYRE
Genome Surveillance and Stability
virtual research day on "Scientific Research: Emerging Concepts and Ethical Challenges"The Beirut Arab University (BAU) in partnership with the Institute of Human Genetics (IGH) and the Lebanese National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS-L) are pleased to announce the virtual research day on "Scientific Research: Emerging Concepts and Ethical Challenges" during which distinguished investigators will address different aspects of research, including ethical questions, the popularization of science, the limits of artificial intelligence...
Contact IGH Jihane BASBOUS
Mini symposium Viruses and Immunity
Mini symposium organized on the behalf of the Molecular Bases of Human Pathologies 16 & 17th June 2022
Contact IGH Nadine LAGUETTE