ISHG2025 : Symposium on Human Genomics Systemic impact of small regulatory RNAs

France Génomique, CNRS Biology and INSERM Thematic Institute GGB (Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics) are pleased to inform you of another edition of the Symposium on Human Genomics which will be held in Paris from May 5 to 7, 2025.

All information here:


Abstract submission deadline: February 5, 2025

Early bird registration deadline: April 18, 2025

Travel grants available for early career scientists!

Best poster prize!


This year, the following topics will be covered with the following invited speakers:

·         Genetics and Pathologies

Alex Duval, Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, Paris

Christine Petit, Hearing Institute, Pasteur Institute, Paris

·         Population Genetics and Statistical Genetics

Steven Gazal, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

André Uitterlinden, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

·         Genome Annotation

Ana Conesa, Institute for Integrative Systems Biology, Valencia, Spain

·         Openness to Society/Science Communication

Florence Débarre, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Paris

·         Epigenetics / Regulome

Hervé Seitz, IGH, Montpellier, France

·         Immunogenetics

Bana Jabri, Gastroenterology department, University of Chicago, USA

·         Single Cell/Spatial Transcriptomics

Laura Cantini, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France

Mickaël Ménager, Imagine Institute, Paris, France
