Regulation of the conserved 3'-5' exoribonuclease EXOSC10/Rrp6 during cell division, development and cancer.
Stuparević I, Novačić A, Rahmouni AR, Fernandez A, Lamb N, Primig M
Splicing-associated chromatin signatures: a combinatorial and position-dependent role for histone marks in splicing definition.
Agirre E, Oldfield AJ, Bellora N, Segelle A, Luco RF
Anti-prion Drugs Targeting the Protein Folding Activity of the Ribosome Reduce PABPN1 Aggregation.
Régulation des ARNm et DéveloppementBamia A, Sinane M, Naït-Saïdi R, Dhiab J, Keruzoré M, Nguyen PH, Bertho A, Soubigou F, Halliez S, Blondel M, Trollet C, Simonelig M, Friocourt G, Béringue V, Bihel F, Voisset C
Modulation of Yorkie activity by alternative splicing is required for developmental stability.
Tubulin codeSrivastava D, de Toledo M, Manchon L, Tazi J, Juge F
Mechanistic analysis of the enhanced RNAi activity by 6-mCEPh-purine at the 5´ end of the siRNA guide strand
Impact systémique des petits ARN régulateursVincent Brechin, Fumikazu Shinohara, Jun-Ichi Saito, Hervé Seitz, Yukihide Tomari
Splicing-associated chromatin signatures: a combinatorial and position-dependent role for histone marks in splicing definition
Biologie des éléments régulateurs distauxAgirre E, Oldfield AJ, Bellora N, Segelle A, Luco RF.
Quantitative imaging of transcription in living Drosophila embryos reveals the impact of core promoter motifs on promoter state dynamics.
Biologie cellulaire de l'ARNPimmett L., Dejean, M., Fernandez, C., Trullo, A., Bertrand, E., Radulescu, O., M. Lagha.
Htt is a repressor of Abl activity required for APP-induced axonal growth
Neurogénétique et MémoireClaire Marquilly,Germain U. Busto,Brittany S. Leger,Ana Boulanger,Edward Giniger,James A. Walker,Lee G. Fradkin,Jean-Maurice Dura
IMGT® Biocuration and Comparative Analysis of Bos taurus and Ovis aries TRA/TRD Loci.
IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTiquePégorier P, Bertignac M, Nguefack Ngoune V, Folch G, Jabado-Michaloud J, Giudicelli V, Duroux P, Lefranc MP, Kossida S
TALC: Transcript-level Aware Long-read Correction.
Biologie des éléments régulateurs distauxBroseus L, Thomas A, Oldfield AJ, Severac D, Dubois E, Ritchie W.
Interactions between gut microbiota and skeletal muscle.
Gizard F, Fernandez A, De Vadder F
A Role for the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 Complex in Gene Expression and Chromosome Organization
Maintien de l'intégrité du génome au cours de la réplicationForey R, Barthe A, Tittel-Elmer M, Wery M, Barrault MB, Ducrot C, Seeber A, Krietenstein N, Szachnowski U, Skrzypczak M, Ginalski K, Rowicka M, Cobb J, Rando OJ, Soutourina J, Dubrana K, Gasser SM, Morillon A, Pasero P, Lengronne A and Poli J
The box C/D snoRNP assembly factor Bcd1 interacts with the histone chaperone Rtt106 and controls its transcription dependent activity 2020
Biologie cellulaire de l'ARNBragantini, B., Charron, C., Bourguet, M., Paul, A., Tiotiu, D., Rothé, B., Marty, H., Terral, G., Hessmann, S., Decourty, L., Chagot, ME., Strub, JM., Massenet, S., Bertrand, E., Quinternet, M., Saveanu, C., Cianférani, S., Labialle, S., Manival, X., B. Charpentier.
Transcriptome and translatome co-evolution in mammals
Méiose et recombinaisonZhong-Yi Wang, Evgeny Leushkin, Angélica Liechti, Svetlana Ovchinnikova, Katharina Mößinger, Thoomke Brüning, Coralie Rummel, Frank Grützner, Margarida Cardoso-Moreira, Peggy Janich, David Gatfield, Boubou Diagouraga, Bernard de Massy, Mark E. Gill, Antoine H. F. M. Peters, Simon Anders & Henrik Kaessmann
Role of Polycomb Complexes in Normal and Malignant Plasma Cells.
Modifications épigénétiques et instabilité génomique dans les cellules B normales et tumoralesVarlet E, Ovejero S, Martinez AM, Cavalli G, Moreaux J
Chromatine et Biologie Cellulairetest1, test2
Regulation of single-cell genome organization into TADs and chromatin nanodomains
Chromatine et Biologie CellulaireSzabo Q., Donjon A., Jerkovic I., Papadopoulos G.L., Cheutin T., Bonev B., Nora E., Bruneau B.G., Bantignies F., Cavalli, G.