Vie de l'Institut > Séminaires


Orateur: Omaya Dudin (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Genopolys amphitheater

Ichthyosporeans and the evolution of animal embryogenesis

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Contact IGH Kazufumi MOCHIZUKI

Orateur: Kristijan RAMADAN (University of Oxford, UK)
Genopolys Amphitheatre

Selective autophagy of DNA lesions promotes DNA repair and cell survival

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Contact IGH Domenico MAIORANO

Orateur: Pengyi YANG (University of Sydney, Australia)
IGH seminar room

Computational methods for stem cell biology and engineering
Computational methods are essential for characterising molecular programs that control cell-identity and stem cell-fate decisions. In this seminar, I will present our research on developing and applying computational methods for studying stem cells and stem cell-derived organoids. This will be followed by some initial results from using this knowledge and methodologies for cellular conversion and cell-fate engineering, a key foundation for tissue engineering, disease modelling, and regenerative medicine.

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Contact IGH Andrew OLDFIELD

Biologie des éléments régulateurs distaux

Orateur: Carissa CHEN (University of Sydney, Australia)
IGH seminar room

Computational systems approaches to spatial and multi-omics analysis of tissues and organoid models
Defining the molecular networks orchestrating human brain formation is crucial for understanding neurodevelopment and neurological disorders. In the first part of my talk, I will present my research work on elucidating the molecular programs that drive this highly dynamic process by reconstructing molecular networks that control human cerebral organoids formation using trans-omics data. Next, I will focus on spatial transcriptomics data analysis and present our findings on comparing methods for detecting...

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Contact IGH Andrew OLDFIELD

Biologie des éléments régulateurs distaux

Orateur: Thomas Surrey (CRG, Barcelona, Spain)
Genopolys amphitheater

In vitro reconstitutions reveal mechanisms of microtubule nucleation and organization during mitosis

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Contact IGH Krzysztof ROGOWSKI

Orateur: Sonia Garel (IBENS, ENS, Paris, France)
Genopolys amphitheater

Immune cells in the choreography of cerebral development
La neurobiologiste Sonia GAREL, Professeure au Collège de France et Membre de l’Académie des Sciencesdirige depuis 2008 l'équipe « Développement et plasticité du cerveau » au sein de l’Institut de biologie de l’ENS (IBENS).Sonia Garel est pionnière dans l’étude des mécanismes qui contrôlent l'assemblage des circuits neuronaux du cerveau antérieur pendant l'embryogenèse et le développement postnatal.Ses fascinantes recherches montrent que l’activité cérébrale est régulée par des cellules immunitaires,...

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Contact IGH Jean-Maurice DURA

Orateur: John Diffley (Crick Institute, Londres)
Genopolys Amphitheatre

DNA Replication Forks and the DNA Damage Checkpoint
Le mardi 4 juin, à l'Amphithéâtre Genopolys, à 11h30, nous aurons un séminaire passionnant sur les dommages et la réplication de l'ADN par John Diffley (Crick Institute, Londres), « DNA Replication Forks and the DNA Damage Checkpoint ». John Diffley, directeur associé du Francis Crick Institute de Londres, est un pionnier dans le domaine de la réplication et des dommages causés à l'ADN. Ses recherches pionnières ont permis de caractériser la réplication de l'ADN et à reconstituer in vitro ses...

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Contact IGH Marcel MECHALI

Réplication et Dynamique du Génome

Orateur: Daan Noordermeer
Amphitheater Genopolys

Topologically Associating Domains regulate gene activity by restricting enhancer-promoter loops.
Topologically Associating Domains regulate gene activity by restricting enhancer-promoter loops. TADs are formed by loop extrusion and its blocking by CTCF at their boundaries. How optimal separation between TADs is achieved remains incompletely understood.  I will present our recent work showing that most TAD boundaries consist of clustered CTCF sites, with each site imperfectly and additively contributing to loop extrusion blocking. Moreover, I will present unpublished biophysical modeling and...

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Contact IGH Giacomo CAVALLI

Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire