Workshop on “Chromosome Doomsday” discussing modelling approaches to understand Principles of 3D Genome Regulation, with two invited distinguished speakers: Mario Nicodemi, Professor of Theoretical Physics and mathematical modelling at the Università di Napoli “Federico II”andLeonid Mirny Professor of Health Sciences & Technology, and Physics, MIT
Bio sketch:
Eva Hoffmann is professor in genomics and reproductive health at the Medical School, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Her lab investigates genome diversification processes in the human germline using single-cell and low-input genomics, in particular meiotic recombination and chromosome segregation. They also assess the impact on the high rate of chromosome errors on fertility and congenital disorders (Gruhn et al, Science, 2019). Eva serves on the executive board of ReproUnion (
L(3)mbt controls the ping-pong machinery with the novel cofactor Lint-O in Drosophila ovarian somatic cells
The Genome Dynamics department welcomes an external seminar by Pr Mikiko C. Siomi Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, University of Tokyo JAPAN
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