Team manager
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Education and previous positions
2017: 5 year activity evaluation by the IGH (team “seniorized”, made permanent)
2011-2016: Junior group leader at the IGH
2009: HDR at the university Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
2005-2009: Postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Phillip Zamore’s laboratory, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester (MA, USA)
2001-2004: PhD student in Dr. Jérôme Cavaillé’s laboratory (LBME, CNRS and université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier)
1997-2001: Undegraduate student at the École normale supérieure (rue d’Ulm, Paris)
Lab funding
2021 - 2024: ANR PRC, project "SCOuBiDou"
2020 - 2021: Fondation ARC « Projets »
2018 - 2021: CEFIC LRI « C5 »
2017: « Émergence » (Cancéropôle Grand Sud-ouest)
2012 - 2016: ATIP-Avenir (CNRS and Inserm, co-sponsored by Sanofi)
2010 - 2012: CDA (Human Frontier Science Program)
Expertise activities
Referee for scientific journals in the domains of RNA biology, bio-informatics, genomics and molecular genetics (Current Biology, EMBO Reports, Genome Research, Nucleic Acids Research, RNA Biology, ...).
Referee for national and international grant agencies (ERC, SNF, HFSP, ANR, …).
Member of Cefic Long-range research initiative’s “Governance leadership team”.
Correction and authorship of notes for ANSES’ “Bulletin de veille scientifique”.
Member of the scientific board of cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest axis 2 since January 2021.