IMGT/LIGM-DB : a systematized approach for ImMunoGeneTics database coherence and data distribution improvement.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
- pmid : 98456539
IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique
Giudicelli, V., Chaume, D. and Lefranc, M.-P.
IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics database: a new Design for Immunogenetics Data Access
Publié le 01/01/1998
- MEDINFO ( B. Cesnik et al. Eds), IOS Press, Amsterdam
- pmid : 99312470
IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique
Giudicelli, V., Chaume, D., Mennessier, G., Althaus, H.-H., Müller, W., Bodmer, J., Malik, A. and Lefranc, M.-P.
Control of gene expression during Xenopus early development.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Developmental Genetics
Réplication et Dynamique du Génome
Hair, A., Prioleau, M.N., Vassetzki, Y. and Méchali, M.
Role of JAK3 in CD40-mediated signaling.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Blood
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IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique
Jabara, H.H., Buckley, R.H., Roberts, J.L., Lefranc, G., Loiselet, J., Khalil, G. and Geha, R.S.
The muscle regulatory factors MyoD and Myf-5 undergo distinct cell-specific expression in muscle cells.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- J. Cell. Biol.
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Kitzmann, M., Carnac, G., Vandromme, M., Primig, M., Lamb, N. and Fernandez, A.
IMGT, the International ImMunoGeneTics database.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Nucleic Acids Res.
- pmid : 98062452
IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique
Lefranc, M.-P., Giudicelli, V., Busin, C., Bodmer, J., Muller, W., Bontrop, R., Lemaitre, M., Malik, A. and Chaume, D.
Dynamics of the genome during early Xenopus laevis development : karyomeres as independent units of replication.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- J. Cell. Biol.
Réplication et Dynamique du Génome
Lemaitre, J.M., Géraud, G. and Méchali, M.
PreB1 (CD10-) acute lymphoblastic leukaemia : immunophenotypic and genomic characteristics, clinical features and outcome in 38 adults and 26 children.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Leukemia and lymphoma
- pmid : 98176681
IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique
Lenormand, B., Béné, M.C., Lesesve, J.F., Bastard, C., Tilly, H., Lefranc, M.-P., Faure, G.-C., Garand, R., Falkenrodt, A., Kandel, G., Solary, E., Maynadié, M., Callat, M.-P., Thouret, F., Monconduit, M., Vannier, J.-P. and The Groupe d'Etude Immuno
The receptor tyrosine kinase gene linotte is required for neuronal pathway selection in the Drosophila mushroom bodies.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Mechanisms of Development
Neurogénétique et Mémoire
Moreau, C., Taillebourg, E., Boissoneau, E., Mesnard, J. and Dura, J.M.
White+ transgenes insertions presenting a dorso-ventral pattern define a single cluster of homeobox-genes that is silenced by the Polycomb-group proteins in Drosophila melanogaster.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Genetics
Neurogénétique et Mémoire
Netter, S., Fauvarque, M.O., Diez del Corral, R., Dura, J.M. and Coen, D.
Aggregates of an amphiphilic synthetic peptide bind and deliver all-trans retinol and all-trans retinoic acid into fibroblasts cells.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Eur. J. Biochem.
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Pellegrin, P., Chaloin, L., Roustan, C., Méry, J. and Bennes, R.
A genetic study of the south Altaian population of the Mendur-Sokkon village, Altai Republic.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Russian Journal of genetics and Translated from Genetika
- pmid : 98193633
IMGT® - le système d'information international en ImMunoGénéTique
Posukh, O.L., Osipova, L.P., Kashinskaya, Y.O., Ivakin, E.A., Kryukov, Y.A., Karafet, T.M., Kazakovtseva, M.A., Skobel'Tsina, L.M., Crawford, M.G., Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G.
Hybrid polard compounds selected as inducers of differentiation of transformed cells inhibit histone deacetylase activity.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
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Domiciliation, activation immunitaire et infection
Richon, V.M., Emiliani, S., Verdin, E., Ngo, L., Webb, Y., Breslow, R., Rifking, R.A. and Marks, P.A.
A sequence based computational identification of Drosophila developmentally regulated TATA-less NA polymerase II promoter and its experimental validation.
Publié le 01/01/1998
- Biochim. Biophys. Acta
- pmid : 9765588
Méiose et recombinaison
Santoni, M.J., Aït-Ahmed, O. and Marilley, M.