Genopolys amphitheater
Epigenetics and Chromatin Dynamics in Homeostasis and DiseaseProgram Siddharth Banka (Manchester University, Manchester, UK) Epigenetic and transcriptomic abnormalities in Kabuki syndrome during neuronal differentiation Giaccomo Cavalli (Institut de Génétique Humaine, Montpellier, France) The role of Polycomb chromatin and histone modifications in the maintenance of cellular memory Gioacchino Natoli (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, Italy) The Restrictor complex and the control of extragenic transcription Aleksandra... Chromatine et Biologie Cellulaire
Engelthal Ingelheim, Germany
Roscoff, France
Genopolys, Montpellier - France
International Summer-School on EpigeneticsThis summer-school is designed to provide students and postdocs with up-to-date knowledge in the field of Epigenetics. This will be provided from July 15th to 17th through lectures by ten experts in the field, oral presentations by participants as well as round table discussions. Emphasis will be on promoting interactions and discussions between participants and experts. July 18th will be a symposium day, similar to an international conference, with short presentations from the invited speakers...
Contact IGH Bernard DE MASSY
Méiose et recombinaisonMarseille, fr.
CHROMATIN MEETS SOUTH 10th anniversary
Oral presentations from all areas relevant to chromatin research in different models are welcome. Covered topics include:
- chromatin structure and function
- gene expression
- genome stability
- epigenetics and cancer
Suzhou, China
Genopolys amphitheater
MBHD Department Seminar Series
Please find attached (pdf) the schedule of the first wave of IGH Seminar Series of the Department “Molecular basis of Human Diseases”.
Kick off next Tuesday, April 2nd Genopolys 11h30. Jeremy LUBAN, University of Massachussets. “Innate immunity against HIV”
Orateur: Cavalli Giacomo ZOOM
Genopolys amphitheater
GCB&D Dpt. Seminar Series
IGH Seminar Series on “Genetics, Cell Biology and Development” 2024.
We have a great line-up of speakers and I hope you will find the series interesting.
The series have started with Dan Larsonon Monday February 19: The spliceosome in health and disease.
Contact IGH Martine SIMONELIG