CEMD - Montpellier
Orateur: Cavalli Giacomo
& al.
5th Annual Meeting on Advances on Nuclear Topology and 3D Chromatin Architecture in Cancer
A virtual meeting announcement for people interested in chromosome organization and cancer.
To register use the QR code in the flyer attached, or use this link
Contact IGH Giacomo CAVALLI
Chromatine et Biologie CellulaireEMBL Heidelberg and Virtual
DNA replication: from basic biology to diseaseThere has been tremendous progress in the past few years regarding our understanding of DNA replication in eukaryotes, both yeast and mammals. Many important questions in the field are poised to be answered within the next decade. These include understanding DNA replication at the biochemical and three-dimensional protein structure levels. In addition, studies using high throughput technologies at the cellular and organismal levels are poised to answer how accurate replication of the genome is ensured...
Amphitheater of Genopolys
Epigenetics WorkshopThis one-week workshop aims to introduce the various aspects of epigenetic research via a highly interactive approach that will engage the students in lively discussions with a set of invited speakers chosen among the world leaders in the field. Students will go deep in the research topics of the speakers by combining mentored analysis of their published work with first hand private discussions with the speakers after an open seminar. This year, we will focus on epigenetic memory and development. As...
Contact IGH Charlene BOUMENDIL
Liam J. Holt (Institute for Systems Genetics, New York University School of Medicine)
Genopolys Amphitheatre
Polysome collapse and RNA condensation fluidize the cytoplasmOn behalf of the LabUM EpiGenMed, Genopoys is delighted to present the fourth in the 2023-2024 series of prestige seminars by world-class speakers. Attendance is free but please register here.
Amphi Dumontet of University of Montpellier, Fr
2nd Young Scientist Cancer CongressThe 2nd Young Scientist Cancer Congress (#YS2C) is taking place on October 10 and 11 2024, at sunny Montpellier! The congress topic "New Translational Approaches in Cancer Therapy" will bring together basic, computational and clinician scientists. The event is open to the whole scientific community, which are researchers and clinicians of all career levels. We invite all postdocs and young clinicians to submit abstracts for an oral presentation. Further, we invite PhD students, together...
St. Julians, Malta
4th Epigenetics ConferenceDeadlines Approaching Poster Submission: 12 September 2024 Registration Closes: 12 September 2024 For any further questions regarding the conference, please don’t hesitate to contact our Fusion conference manager, Rosie Johnson.
Contact IGH Giacomo CAVALLI
Chromatine et Biologie CellulaireToulouse, Fr
Workshop "Genome Dynamics and Expression"
Cancéropôle GSO will be organizing its workshop on Genome Dynamics and Expression on September 30th and October 1st in Toulouse: this is a great opportunity, especially for young scientists, to present their work to the local community. Please consider joining (deadline for abstract submission is on June 7).
Université Montpellier, Fr
CBS2 day 2024Le tant attendu CBS2 day 2024 sera le 26 Septembre sur le campus Triolet, amphi Dumontet ! Il s'agit d'un congrès au cours duquel plusieurs étudiants pourront effectuer la présentation de leur sujet sous format de talks de 10 minutes, de flash talks de 3 minutes ou de sessions posters ! Pour participer ou soutenir, nous vous invitons à répondre au sondage ci-après, afin de nous aider à une organisation optimale de votre événement préféré ! L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire et ouverte...
IRCM, Montpellier
Integrated approaches to fight colorectal cancer: all together to break down barriersOrganised as part of the CHARM-EU European University alliance, the international conference ‘Integrated approaches to fight colorectal cancer: all together to break down barriers’ is taking place on 25 September 2024. This event marks the start of an experimental international teaching module for students from the University of Montpellier and the University of Utrecht, both members of the CHARM-EU alliance of European universities.
Contact IGH Cyril SARRAUSTE DE MENTHIERE | | Gilles Subra