The “Imaging life: the future” international 2.5-day symposium which will be held in Montpellier, France October 17-19 to celebrate 20 years of imaging and cytometry at MRI aims to foster intense and friendly scientific discussions to try and foresee how future developments in light/electron microscopy and image analysis could further transform research in animal and plant biology across scales, from molecules to tissues. We are expecting to host 200 scientists from all over Europe.
Imaging life: the future Plateau d'Imagerie Cellulaire
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A Tribute to Angelos Constantinou du 10/03/2025 jusqu'au 13/11/2024 Village Club de Carry-Le-Rouet, France
Instabilité Génétique et CancerGCB&D Dpt. Seminar Series
IGH Seminar Series of the Department “Genetics, Cell Biology and Development” du 19/02/2024 jusqu'au 15/11/2024 Genopolys amphitheater
Coordination of Synapsis and Crossover Designation and Maturation in Mouse Meiosis
Méiose et recombinaison 17/01/2025 11:30 Genopolys AmphitheaterCongrès
Genome replication Day
25/11/2024 GENOPOLYS amphitheaterEpigenetics in development, reproduction & disease
27/11/2024 jusqu'au 29/11/2024 University of MontpellierDNA Replication and Replicative Stress: from mechanisms to cancer
02/12/2024 jusqu'au 03/12/2024 14:00 - 15:00 Amphitheatre of GenopolysZoom