Dario Lupianez, whose laboratory is based in Seville, will be giving a seminar entitled "Genomes in 3D: implications for development and evolution".
Dario did his thesis in Raphael Jimenez's laboratory on a very specific model of sex determination: the mole.
In 2012, he joined Stefan Mundlos' laboratory for a post-doc where his main research topic was chromatin architecture and disease.
In 2017-2023, he joined the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB), Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine (MDC), as a junior group leader.
From 2023, he will head the "3D Genomics" laboratory at the Centro Andaluz de Biologia del Desarrollo (CABD), Junta de Andalucía - UPO - CSIC in Spain.
In his current projects, he is seeking to decipher the developmental principles of 3D chromatin organisation and to understand how they may have evolved.
Working on sex determination, he is seeking to understand the molecular sources of the evolutionary plasticity of sex determination.
To this end, his team is profiling and comparing the process of sex determination in a wide range of vertebrate species, in order to identify sources of genomic and regulatory variation.